A study of ozone anomaly of 2011 in the Northern hemisphere based on Aura satellite data

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In this work we have studied the appearance of analogue of the Antarctic ozone hole in the Northern hemisphere in March 2011. Possible reasons of this phenomenon were the low temperature in the polar region and intense solar flares. The solar activity led to changes in the atmospheric circulation. As a result, in the stratosphere for a while have any rotating circumpolar vortex in the form of a ring in mid-latitudes and low ozone content in the polar region. Our studies revealed a redistribution of ozone mass between the inner and outer part of the vortex with decreasing the total ozone content in the inner part and increases in the outer. A model of the formation of the circumpolar vortex based on atmospheric physics is proposed.


Ozone hole, redistribution of ozone, physical model of circumpolar vortex

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/146115251

IDR: 146115251   |   DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-2017-10-6-828-834

Список литературы A study of ozone anomaly of 2011 in the Northern hemisphere based on Aura satellite data

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