Abnormal phenomena in the tropical part of the world ocean according to MODIS-Aqua satellite data

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The work analyzes monthly data from the MODIS-Aqua satellite scanner on the temperature of the surface layer of water with a resolution of 4320×2160 (9 km at the equator) for 2002-2021, obtained from the Ocean Color Data website (https://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/MODIS-Aqua/Mapped/ Monthly/9km/). It was shown that the degree of influence of changes in ocean surface temperature on the atmosphere depends not only on the absolute values of temperature changes, but also on the surface area on which these changes occur. It was revealed that starting from the end of 2009 - beginning of 2010, the climate system of the tropical zone was destabilized, and reliably positive temperature trends began to prevail over most of the ocean surface in the tropics. At the same time, in the circulation belts of temperate latitudes, processes occur that are not synchronous either with the processes in the tropics or with each other. It was noted that zones with predominant warming or cooling are sometimes located nearby on the scale of the World Ocean, practically not separated by buffer zones. This could destabilize the ocean-atmosphere system. It was revealed that the predominance of warming processes in the Gulf Stream does not lead to a corresponding predominance of warming processes in the North Atlantic Current. The opposite is observed.


World ocean, satellite data, modis-aqua, tropics, ocean surface temperature, ost trends

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/146282854

IDR: 146282854

Список литературы Abnormal phenomena in the tropical part of the world ocean according to MODIS-Aqua satellite data

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