Adam Thorpe's story ‘Karaoke’

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The article, discusses some issues connected with Adam Thorpe’s creative work, and presents a literary and language analysis of his story ‘Karaoke’.

Adam thorpe, 'karaoke', humour

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147235592

Список литературы Adam Thorpe's story ‘Karaoke’

  • Barinova E. (2013) Discovering Adam Thorpe's short stories // Footpath. 2013. Issue 7. P. 31-38.
  • Smith J. (2012) Adam Thorpe. URL: (accessed date: 06.07.2021).
  • Sudlenkova O. ‘Shutter' from Adam Thorpe's Ulverton: its twofold relation to history // Footpath. 2018. Issue 11. P. 61-67.
  • Thorpe A. ‘Karaoke' // Thorpe A. Is This The Way You Said? London: Vintage Books, 2007. P. 121-134.
  • Urvantsev G. A Chain of Ingenious Connections in Adam Thorpe's Ulverton. // Footpath. 2017. Issue 10. P. 31-41.
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