Adaptive capacity and morphofunctional peculiarities of students living in Ugra

Автор: Govorukhina A.A., Malkov O.A., Blagorodova L.D., Novoselova A.A.

Журнал: Вестник Нижневартовского государственного университета @vestnik-nvsu

Рубрика: Экология человека

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2017 года.

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The results of the study of the functional state and the body's adaptive capabilities of students living in the North. To implement the study were used the following methods: anthropometry (body mass index), dynamometry, spirometry (should definitely vital capacity values), the registration of hemodynamic parameters. Measurement of adaptive capacity according to the Baevsky index. Statistical analysis and systematization of the material was carried out using MicrosoftExcel programs 2007 «Biostatistics 4.03», a correlation analysis was performed by the method of Charles E. Spearman. It has been established that the unfavorable factors of the North, as well as the high intellectual and emotional stress cause the violation of the morpho-functional state of an organism of students who are found more often in boys. Overweight was detected in 7.5% of boys and 30% girls, as well as an increased fat content in 20% of boys and 12.9% girls. Revealed functional changes in the system of external breath at students, manifested in the rejection of the values of vital capacity of the proper values by more than 80% (18...


Adaptation, morphofunctional state

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IDR: 14116983

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