Adaptive strategic resource management and company competitiveness under conditions of uncertainty

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In the context of global crises and economic uncertainty, Russian enterprises face significant challenges that require rapid adaptation and strategic rethinking of current approaches. The main focus of the study is adaptive strategic management aimed at improving the sustainability and competitiveness of companies. The study emphasizes the importance of crisis management combining operational improvements and strategic development. The introduced term «volatile economy» emphasizes the dynamic and unstable economic environment caused by political, social and technological changes. The author examines various crisis management strategies, including business process stabilization, product and supply chain diversification, modernization and organizational change. Risk management techniques and enterprise improvement strategies are also discussed. Special attention is given to the need for strategic planning and management decision making in the face of risk and uncertainty. The study emphasizes that successful management in crisis conditions requires a comprehensive approach that combines an in-depth analysis of the current situation with the development and implementation of longterm strategies aimed at minimizing negative consequences and anticipating possible risks. The author offers a number of strategic approaches and solutions that allow enterprises to adapt and operate successfully in changing market conditions, which allows companies not only to survive in times of crisis, but also to ensure sustainable development in the future. This article will be of particular interest to business executives, strategic managers, analysts and students of economics who seek to understand and apply adaptive management techniques to respond effectively in an unstable economic environment and increasing competition.


Strategy, competitiveness, conditions of uncertainty, strategic management, crisis

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14131632   |   DOI: 10.47629/2074-9201_2024_4_220_226

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