Legal profession as element of system of the constitutional state: Russian realities and problems of the beginning of the XXI century

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Purpose: To prove need of every possible increase in a role of legal profession as important element of system of the constitutional state in modern Russia, strengthenings of its interaction with civil society and the government, increases in efficiency of human rights activity of the lawyer case, use new, appropriate time of forms and methods of work with citizens, the organizations and business. Methodology: Legallistic and historical and legal methods were used. Results: In article the conclusion is drawn that the modern Russian legal profession, relying on rich domestic and international experience in the sphere of human rights activity, following the best traditions of the Russian pre-revolutionary and Soviet legal profession, at the beginning of the XXI century becomes an important element of system of the constitutional state in our country. It occurs thanks to constantly increasing, in the conditions of market economy and pluralistic democracy, the need for the qualified legal aid to natural and legal entities, and also in view of the closest communication of legal profession with civil society. At the same time efficiency of human rights activity of legal profession in a decisive measure depends on in what degree it will keep the independence in relation to the state and will strengthen the positions in the course of implementation of justice, strengthening of legality and law and order. Novelty/originality/value: Article has the sufficient scientific value as represents attempt of the general scientific judgment of the place, rare for domestic practice, a role and value of legal profession in system only still of the formed constitutional state in Russia.


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IDR: 140225070

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