Afghanistan in the sphere of trade interests of the Russian empire in the first half of the XIX century

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The article is devoted to the problems of trade and economic rivalry between the Russian Empire and Great Britain in the fi rst half of the XIX century, when the two powers were looking for adequate methods and forms of protecting their interests in Central Asia and Afghanistan. The author pays special attention to the problems of economic development and foreign trade of Afghanistan in the period under review. He examines the main objects of export and import, trade volumes, channels for the sale of goods, ethnic and confessional characteristics of merchants who participated in trade with Kabul. The role of the diplomatic service of Russia and Great Britain, travelers, scouts, merchants in collecting the necessary information about the situation in the Middle East is noted. The author focuses on the role and importance of the Central Asian khanates and merchants in promoting Russian goods to Afghanistan. The regional peculiarities of the organization of foreign trade are noted (by the example of Baloch).


Afghanistan, Great Britain, Russian Empire, India, Central Asia, foreign trade, rivalry

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148322608   |   DOI: 10.37313/2658-4816-2021-3-3-98-103

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