Agglomeration processes in Russian regions: specifics and challenges related to the intensification of positive effects

Автор: Kozhevnikov S.A., Voroshilov N.V.

Журнал: Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast @volnc-esc-en

Рубрика: Regional economy

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.17, 2024 года.

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Urban agglomerations currently play an important role in the spatial development of most countries, since they are key centers of economic growth, generation and diffusion of innovations. In theoretical and practical terms, as a rule, the greatest attention is paid to studying the largest and large urban agglomerations (under current legislation, in Russia these include agglomerations with a population of more than 1,000 and 500 thousand people, accordingly), while insufficient attention is paid to the real prerequisites and features of the development of other emerging/potential agglomerations (the so-called “second-tier” agglomerations). In this regard, the aim of the study is to identify features and challenges related to the intensification of agglomeration processes in Russia’s regions, taking into account the provision of positive effects. To achieve the goal, we use a wide range of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, systems) and applied economic and statistical methods (index, correlation analysis). Scientific significance of the study lies in the development of methodological approaches and tools for assessing agglomeration processes, determining their specifics in Russian agglomerations of the “second tier”. We reveal that the continuing concentration of a significant share of regional production, investment and population in the agglomerations under consideration is the key feature in their development. At the same time, in fact, agglomeration processes extend only to the core of the agglomeration and the territory closest to it; this is manifested in the convergence of their growth rates in key socio-economic indicators. These facts indicate a rather low development of the satellite zone of “second-tier” agglomerations and a weak transmission of positive effects to the periphery, as well as an excessive development of the core, which in the future may be a threat to the stable development of such agglomerations. In the final part of the work, we substantiate priority directions to increase the internal integration of urban agglomerations as open socio-economic systems that will ensure the generation of positive externalities and turn “second-tier” agglomerations into growth points at the macro and regional levels.


Large city, second-tier urban agglomerations, satellite area, agglomeration processes, integration of space, strategic priorities of spatial development

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147243336   |   DOI: 10.15838/esc.2024.1.91.5

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