Agitation and propaganda campaign in Rostov periodical press in connection with the seizure of church valuables on the Don

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The seizure of church valuables in the RSFSR in the spring of 1922 caused by the famine and the need to help the starving was pursued by the Soviet government with the aim not only to raise fund to provide this help, but also to fight the Orthodox Church. The methods involved a combination of propaganda and repression. As for propaganda, it was locally conducted in the region press. The course of the campaign on the Don was reflected in the Rostov newspapers “Soviet South” and “Labor Don”. In the materials of newspapers, written narratives and visual aids created with participation of professional writers, active anti-Сhurch propaganda was conducted, aiming at forming appropriate public sentiments. Propaganda fell on a prepared ground, because in the recent civil war situation and the famine experienced, the enemy image represented by the Church was quite convincing for the mass consciousness.


Famine of 1921, seizure of сhurch valuables in the spring of 1922, anti-church propaganda, regional soviet press, newspapers “soviet south” and “labor don”

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IDR: 140305484   |   DOI: 10.47132/1814-5574_2024_1_312

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