Agroeconomical assessment of the effectiveness of the use of plant growth regulators and micronutrients in the cultivation of sweet pepper for seeds in irrigation conditions of the Astrakhan region
Автор: Mukanov M.V., Gulin M.A.
Журнал: Овощи России @vegetables
Рубрика: Садоводство, овощеводство, виноградарство и лекарственные культуры
Статья в выпуске: 6 (80), 2024 года.
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Relevance. Improving zonal agricultural technologies for the cultivation and seed production of vegetable crops is due to the need to increase agroeconomic and technological efficiency, production profitability and competitiveness of domestic products in a market economy and Western sanctions in order to ensure the country's food security and import substitution. Methodology. Improving the elements of zonal agricultural technology for cultivating the new variety of sweet pepper Zarnitsa to increase the productivity and quality of seeds and reduce the costs of its seed production in a seedless culture through the use ofmicro fertilizers (Ultramag Boron) and plant growth regulators (Zircon R) is the goal of the ongoing research. The objective of the research is to study and evaluate the agroeconomic efficiency of using the Ultramag Bor micro fertilizer and the Zircon, P plant growth regulator and their impact on the dynamics of plant growth and development, ripening time, yieldand quality of sweet pepper seeds in the experiment. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of widespread use in the real sector of the economy of plant growth regulators and micro fertilizers in non-seedling seed production of sweet pepper to improve productivity, quality and economic indicators of its cultivation in irrigated agriculture in the south of Russia.
Sweet pepper, plant growth regulators, micro fertilizers, yield, seed productivity
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 140307848 | DOI: 10.18619/2072-9146-2024-6-63-68