Accentuated personality of a violent criminal

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Introduction. The study of the psychological structure of the personality is impossible without the study of the individual characteristics of individual mental processes, and, if necessary, of pathological changes in the psyche. The study of various kinds of mental abnormalities has received considerable attention from specialists in the field of psychiatry, psychology, pedagogy, sexology, criminology, and other fields of knowledge. Separate consideration in the context of the study of the identity of a violent criminal deserves the problem of personality accentuation. Materials and Methodical Toolkit. In the course of the study, the results of the generalization of materials of forensic psychiatric examinations conducted on the basis of the Clinical Clinical Psychiatric Hospital No. 1 named after. N.I. Balabana ”against 446 perpetrators of violent crime (murder (227 people), rape and / or sexual assault of a sexual nature (76 people) and robbery attacks (143 people). Results and discussion. It has been established that personality accentuations are essential in shaping an individual's behavior model, while along with positive potential they can also have negative potential (both with respect to social adaptation as a whole and with respect to specific behavioral acts), which is especially important in the context of studying criminal behavior . The combination of accentuation of character and temperament can contribute to the formation of specific personality types that have their criminal specifics, determined by the direction of the corresponding potential of the personality. The features of personality accentuation, characteristic for the studied types of violent criminals, are revealed. Conclusions. Along with various kinds of mental diagnoses, which do not exclude the possibility of being aware of their actions and directing them (34.8%), the presence of various kinds of personality accentuations is characteristic. Among violent criminals who have not been diagnosed with any mental disorders, only 6.8% do not have any personality accentuation. In general, this type of criminals is dominated by accentuation of hyperthymic (17.8%), epileptoid (15.4%), unstable (12.7%), mixed (8.9%), hysteroid (8.5%), schizoid (7.5%) types and other. For 8.9% of violent criminals, a mixed type of personality accentuation is characteristic. Characteristic personality traits vary depending on the type of perpetrator singled out according to the criterion of the crime committed (murder, rape and / or sexual assault, robbery).


Accentuation, psyche, psychology, character, identity of the criminal, violence, murder, rape, sexual assault, robbery

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IDR: 149124793   |   DOI: 10.24411/1999-6241-2019-14017

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