Actualization of the development of individual educational routes (IOM) in preparation for the All-russian olympiad of schoolchildren in physical culture

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Relevance. Analyzing the analytical reports presented on the official website of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the subject of Physical Education, it should be noted the negative dynamics of the effectiveness of the performance of the team from the Krasnodar Territory in the period from 2019 to 2022: according to the data presented, from our region, four years in a row, exhibited "one" (one representative from the region). Nevertheless, in the Kuban, great attention is paid, by all structural divisions, to the popularization and formation of a motivational and needful sphere for systematic physical education and sports activities among children, adolescents and youth. Having analyzed the reports of the chairman of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren for the period from 2019 to 2022, we determined the main, in our opinion, reason for unsuccessful performances in the theoretical and practical rounds of the regional and, further, the final stages, which is the absence of a scientifically based program for the training of gifted children in the subject of Physical Education, based on the use of individualization models, through the use of individual educational routes (IEM). The purpose of the study was to update the use of individualization models by developing individual educational routes (IEM) in preparation for the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Physical Education. Research methods. Analytical methods were used to update the need to use individualization models through the development of individual educational routes (IEM). Research results. In the course of the study, the structural components of modeling the IEM of gifted children on the subject of Physical Education, practice-oriented orientation were determined. Guidelines have been developed for the preparation of individual practice-oriented programs related to in-depth study, meta and subject component of the subject area Physical culture. Correct mathematical analysis of the cumulative average group indicators of boys and girls, participants of the RE GOS in the 2021/2022 academic year, made it possible to update and confirm the need to use individualization models through the development of individual educational routes (IEM) for gifted children in the subject of Physical Education with a practice-oriented focus.


Subject area Physical education, individual educational route (IEM), giftedness, gifted children

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142236966   |   DOI: 10.53742/1999-6799/4_2022_34_37

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