Current aspects of developing the key performance indicators (KPI) for personnel and managers of hotel enterprises

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The hospitality industry development around the world is characterized by an acute shortage of staff, mainly due to complex service technological processes for servicing various segments of guests. Therefore, it is important to develop methods and technologies for creating comfortable conditions for the hotel staff loyalty. The analysis shows that fixed salary is among the important aspects, reducing the enterprise efficiency. If the salaries of hotel employees, including general managers, do not change when financial and economic indicators raise or decrease due to poor quality service and negative reviews during the reporting period, they lose motivation to work effectively. As a result, it was concluded that an urgent solution to improve the efficiency of both staff and managers is to develop a motivation system based on key indicators of the KPI system. The analysis also revealed that it is necessary to include (in addition to income indicators), an assessment of the quality of service, cost optimization, and indicators of guest loyalty when developing criteria for key performance indicators. An important indicator of the KPI of managers is staff loyalty, which is important to include the level of satisfaction of their employees based on the results of surveys, staff turnover rate and exit interviews, as a result, hotel companies can evaluate and take the necessary measures to attract potential employees and managers and retain them in the hotel industry.


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IDR: 140304743   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12681053

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