Actual problems of consumer protection in the sale of goods of inadequate quality

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The article highlights the current problems of consumer protection in the sale of goods of inadequate quality. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the definition of "consumer" and the analysis of its legal status, taking into account the current legislative framework. The analysis details the key consumer rights. These include: the possibility of replacing the goods, the right to reduce the price in accordance with the identified defects, the seller's obligation to immediately correct the defects at his own expense or reimburse the cost of repairs, as well as the right to demand the termination of the purchase and sale agreement and a refund of the funds paid. The process of preparing a scientific article is characterized by the use of a list of information sources, including legislative acts and specialized literature, for example, articles in scientific journals devoted to consumer protection. The use of data generalization and systematization techniques contributed to the creation of structured and logical research material.


Consumer, protection of rights, goods, improper quality, problems, seller, manufacturer, defects, warranty period, methods

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IDR: 170207326   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-5-215-221

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