Юридические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Международный журнал гуманитарных и естественных наук

Публикации в рубрике (3359): Юридические науки
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"Гонорар успеха" адвоката: теория и актуальные проблемы правоприменения

"Гонорар успеха" адвоката: теория и актуальные проблемы правоприменения

Лошкарев А.В., Ширяева А.И.

Статья научная

В настоящей статье проводится анализ достаточно спорной формы адвокатского вознграждения - «гонорар успеха». В работе поднимаются вопросы теоритического и практического характера, особое внимание уделяется судебной практике и тому, какое с ее помощью отношение сформировалось к возможности взыскания «гонорара успеха». По итогам проведенного исследования, авторами делается вывод о том насколько успешна практика по получению адвокатами данного вида вознаграждения и насколько возможно его существование в российской правовой среде.


"Контрабанда" как преступное деяние в уголовном законодательстве государств-членов Евразийского экономического союза

"Контрабанда" как преступное деяние в уголовном законодательстве государств-членов Евразийского экономического союза

Миллеров Е.В.

Статья научная

В данной статье автором проводится сравнительно-правовой анализ норм, предусматривающих уголовную ответственность за такое общественно опасное деяние как контрабанда в уголовном законодательстве государств-членов Евразийского экономического союза, выявляются как общие признаки, так и отличия в криминализации законодателями указанных государств данного преступного деяния, выдвигаются некоторые авторские предложения по унификации норм, предусматривающих ответственность за контрабанду в уголовном законодательстве государств членов данного Союза.


Agreement on participation in shared construction

Agreement on participation in shared construction

Nemchinova A.V.

Статья научная

This article examines the agreement on participation in shared construction in the Russian legislation, focusing on key legal aspects and participants' rights and obligations. It provides insights into regulatory frameworks, emphasizing transparency, information disclosure, and recent legislative updates. Aimed at legal professionals, developers, and potential homebuyers, the concise analysis offers a valuable understanding of the evolving legal landscape in shared construction projects in Russia.


Artificial intelligence in legal sphere

Artificial intelligence in legal sphere

Kondrashova I.V., Letyagina N.P.

Статья научная

At the present stage of new technologies development much attention has recently been paid to the issues connected with artificial intelligence. This article is devoted to artificial intelligence and robotization: the history of artificial intelligence development is presented, it is concluded that nowadays there is no universal legislation in the field of artificial intelligence and the use of robots all over the world. The article emphasizes that the phenomenon of artificial intelligence has not yet been fully studied, therefore, the problem of developing legislation in this area remains relevant throughout the world.


Current problems of countering cybercrime in the Russian Federation at the present stage

Current problems of countering cybercrime in the Russian Federation at the present stage

Lutfullin A.R.

Статья научная

In this article, the author examines the issues of countering such a phenomenon as cybercrime, which is becoming more relevant, depending on the development of information resources in the world and in our state, in particular. According to the document approved by the President of the Russian Federation in 2008, all public services were supposed to be converted to electronic form in 2015. The purpose of the work is to analyze Russian legislation, analytical studies of the dynamics of cybercrime development and prospects for improving the counteraction to cybercrime in the Russian Federation at the present stage.


Forensic linguistics: origin, history of development, prospects

Forensic linguistics: origin, history of development, prospects

Kondrashova I.V.

Статья научная

The article dwells on one of the branches of applied linguistics, i.e. Forensic Linguistics. Forensic Linguistics is presented as a relatively new and expanding discipline. The article presents its history, development, importance and applications, as well as the use of linguistic evidence in legal proceedings. Finally, the conclusions are introduced and the projections for the future are made - in the future Forensic Linguistics can be widely used for better crime solving.


History and perspectives of the notary institution in Russia

History and perspectives of the notary institution in Russia

Popkova M.V.

Статья научная

The purpose of the research is to consider the historical perspective and development of the institute of notary in tsarist Russia, in the Soviet period and in modern Russia. The author reveals the positive features and disadvantages of this institution in various historical periods of its existence. The study uses a comparative historical analysis, which made it possible to determine the prospects for the development of the institute of notaries in Russia.


Legal mechanism for ensuring gender equality

Legal mechanism for ensuring gender equality

Vorobyova M.O.

Статья научная

The article is devoted to the issues of "gender equality" in the Russian Federation. The problems of gender equality and its legislative provision are currently among the most relevant subjects for the research of modern Russia. The author notes that the state mechanism for ensuring equality of the rights of the sexes is quite multidimensional in our country. On a par with the structural divisions of executive authorities that are responsible for the special aspects of gender equality, as well as the parliamentary commission on ensuring state policy for the family protection, motherhood protection and childhood protection, there are inside- and interdepartmental commissions whose activities are directly aimed at ensuring gender equality and facilitating its development in Russia.


Legislative initiatives in the law on public procurement

Legislative initiatives in the law on public procurement

Shpinev Yu.S.

Статья научная

This article discusses the legislative initiative of the Kostroma regional Duma to amend article 1 of the Federal law «On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services for state and municipal needs». Based on the current legislation and analysis of the changes made, the author comes to the conclusion that the changes are not appropriate.


Legislative technique and its roles in legal reasoning

Legislative technique and its roles in legal reasoning

Do Thi Bao Yen

Статья научная

The legislative technique is the art of making laws; it represents a part of the legislative science which has as object the enforcement of the options of the legislative policy and consists not only in the drafting of the text of the law or more generally in its organization, but also in the choice and coordination of the phrasing of the rule of law and the technical procedures to achieve it. The issue of drafting legislative acts has been particularly important in the last two centuries, as a result of social development, increasing complexity, legal thinking begins to address the theoretical side of the legislative process and progress in the field of legal technology.


Main stages of social security system development

Main stages of social security system development

Kushbakov A.T.

Статья научная

The article discusses the concept of social security law in General. The right of social security as an independent growth has been formed in the General system of rights relatively recently. The norms of the social protection system serve as an indicator of the state's social policy. They are designed to respond in a timely and adequate manner to all social risks that are inevitably associated with the transition of countries to a market economy. This includes their extraordinary dynamism.


Marriage contract in the Russian Federation and foreign countries

Marriage contract in the Russian Federation and foreign countries

Obukhov A.A.

Статья научная

In this article, the author analyzes the international experience in concluding marriage contracts between citizens. Statistics on the conclusion of marriage contracts are provided. Some controversial issues are considered, as well as personal views are expressed on the content, conclusion and termination of marriage contracts.


Political corruption in Japan: specificity and experience of counteraction

Political corruption in Japan: specificity and experience of counteraction

Lapshakov G.S.

Статья научная

Japan is a significant example of a state with a low level of everyday corruption but constantly facing major corruption scandals. In other words, Japan has a high level of political corruption, despite the low level of corruption in society as a whole. This article describes the main reasons for this situation and the experience of fight against the critical mechanisms of political corruption in Japan.


Procedural and tactical grounds for a decision to perform a search

Procedural and tactical grounds for a decision to perform a search

Gizatullin E.M.

Статья научная

This article discusses the procedural and tactical grounds for making a decision to conduct a search. When the investigator decides to carry out such an investigative action as a search, it is necessary to strictly observe the norms of procedural legislation, as well as tactical principles. In this regard, the issue of determining and delimiting the procedural and tactical grounds for making a decision to conduct a search seems to be relevant. For the most part, this issue concerns the conduct of an urgent search without obtaining court permission. Within the framework of this study, the author analyses the issues of procedural regulation of the grounds for making a decision to conduct a search, as well as tactical grounds. To analyse of the norms of procedural legislation and doctrinal studies on the procedural and tactical grounds for making a decision to conduct a search. In order to develop a uniform practice of applying the rules on the validity of the decision to conduct a search, the author proposed to develop guidelines for determining the sufficiency of the grounds for making such a decision.


Protection of the rights and freedoms of the patient in the field of healthcare

Protection of the rights and freedoms of the patient in the field of healthcare

Lutfullin A.R.

Статья научная

In this paper, the author examines the issues of optimizing and improving the efficiency of the healthcare system at this stage of development in the Russian Federation, analyzes Russian and international legislation, as well as judicial practice in the field of healthcare. The purpose of the work is to analyze the current system of protection of the rights and freedoms of the patient and the prospects for improving the protection of the rights and freedoms of the patient in the Russian Federation. The work is devoted to the current problems of legal regulation in the field of protection of the rights and freedoms of the patient and the prospects for improving the protection of the rights of the patient in modern Russia.


Security and compliance in the financial and legal activities of the organization

Security and compliance in the financial and legal activities of the organization

Sikacheva Ya.V.

Статья научная

The paper reflects aspects of the application of compliance in the organization, a distinction is made between the interpretation of the terms as "security" and "compliance". The article provides an understanding of the difference between compliance and the already known measures of internal control and supervision to prevent the risks and losses of the company. The paper also describes the need for compliance control in an economic entity and the role of a compliance officer in the process of preventing risks and losses in an organization.


Seizure of Russian property abroad

Seizure of Russian property abroad

Popkova M.V.

Статья научная

The current political situation in the world is developing in a negative way and has an impact on many areas of activity and relations between states. Politicians and official representatives of a number of countries are trying to show other nations their way, directly interfere with the realization of the interests of other peoples, in particular in the field of economics. Such "unscrupulous" world players use blackmail, aggressive statements, etc. This article attempts to analyze cases of positive influence and negative interference of politics in the economic sphere and to cover the opinions of experts on the legitimacy of such interference.


The problems of legal regulation of TNC activity

The problems of legal regulation of TNC activity

Bogdanova Y.A.

Статья научная

Nowadays, TNCs play an important role in the process of globalization. They have become an integral part of world economic relations. However, the issue of their legal regulation is becoming increasingly relevant and complex. We consider the existing international law aspects that regulate the activities of transnational corporations.


«Иные лица» в предварительном следствии по уголовным делам в Российской империи по своду законов 1832 года

«Иные лица» в предварительном следствии по уголовным делам в Российской империи по своду законов 1832 года

Упоров И.В.

Статья научная

В 1832 г. было изданы известное пятнадцать томов Свода законов Российской империи, который стал результатом фундаментальной систематизации российского законодательства, осуществленного при активном участии выдающегося государственного деятеля того времени М.М. Сперанского. Завершающий, пятнадцатый том Свода закона именовался Свод законов уголовных», который, в свою очередь подразделялся на две книги: Книга I «О преступлениях и наказаниях вообще», Книга II «О судопроизводстве по преступлениям». В статье рассматриваются особенности осуществления предварительного следствие по уголовным делам согласно нормам указанной второй Книги, при этом акцент делается на так называемых «иных лицах», участвующих в уголовном процессе, учитывая, что их статус, в отличие от следователя (дознавателя) и обвиняемого как основных лиц, изучен явно в меньшей мере. Кроме того, нужно учитывать то обстоятельство, что институт уголовного судопроизводства применительно к Российской империи в период XIX в. исследуется в большинстве случаев с учетом судебной реформы 1864 г., при этом из поля зрения ученых выпадает специфика этого института в дореформенное время, в рамках которого законодатель в указанном выше пятнадцатом томе Свода законов сумел определенным образом упорядочить все ранее изданные уголовно-процессуальные процедуры, придав ряд новелл, вытекавших из общественно-политического развития государственно-правовых отношений, связанного с некоторыми либеральными изменениями, которые были присущи императору Александру I.


«Компания одного лица» в российском и зарубежном законодательстве

«Компания одного лица» в российском и зарубежном законодательстве

Шайбакова Д.А.

Статья научная

Учитывая, что в последнее время популярность начали набирать «компании одного лица», данная статья посвящена изучению правовой природы образования особой формы предпринимательской деятельности. В данной статье дано определение «компании одного лица», приведена сравнительная линия между законодательствами зарубежных стран и отечественного права при определении подхода к регулированию предпринимательства с единственным участником.

