Topical issues of state policy in the field of environmental security

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The article deals with the specifics of implementing state policy in the field of environmental security in regions. Environmental security issues are becoming relevant in view of global trends associated with the deterioration of world climate, the rapid depletion of natural resources, the revision of the principles and approaches of states in relation to the environmental situation in individual countries. Modern environmental policy is characterized by the regard of the most important strategic guidelines, the specifics of development of individual territories. To date there is a positive and even innovative experience in implementing the projects and measures of environmental policy in certain regions, which can be used in the Sverdlovsk Oblast. For example, in certain regions projects have been initiated for increasing environmental awareness, activity and responsibility of citizens for the environmental security. These projects involve the collection and disposal of household waste, environmental education, popularization of "green entrepreneurship", support and restoration of the world ecosystem, etc. It is necessary to use in the future only progressive and extensive measures for the development of state environmental policy, which will help stabilize the situation in the field of environmental security in the country.


Environmental policy, environmental rating, environmental threats, environmental safety, environment, global ecosystem, environmental guidelines, environmental projects, "Green button", green entrepreneurship

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148317070   |   DOI: 10.18101/2306-630X-2020-2-27-32

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