Alexey Vladimirovich Barkov: original scientist, talented educator and teacher, professional colleague (to the 60th anniversary of A.V. Barkov)

Автор: Levushkin Anatoliy Nikolaevich, Alborov Suliko Viktorovich

Журнал: Правовое государство: теория и практика @pravgos

Рубрика: Персоналии

Статья в выпуске: 3 (61), 2020 года.

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The article formulates some reasoning about Alexey Vladimirovich Barkov as an original scientist, teacher, professional colleague, competent specialist in the field of social entrepreneurship, who made a significant contribution to the development of the doctrine of business law, in particular, the theory of socially oriented entrepreneurship. Purpose: scientific and practical understanding of Alexei Vladimirovich Barkov’s years of work, dedicated to social entrepreneurship in Russia. The methodological basis of this article is general scientific methods of cognition of legal phenomena, such as synthesis, the method of analogy, formal logic, deduction, and others. Results: The authors note the high theoretical and practical significance of Alexei Vladimirovich Barkov’s scientific achievements for private law and business law. The authors emphasize the invaluable, innovative and bold contribution to the development and improvement of national civil science and the law enforcement implementation of norms.


A.v. barkov, business activity, scientist, teacher, science of business law

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IDR: 142232928

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