Algorithm for correcting camera pan and tilt on aircraft based on recorded video
Автор: Nikiforov D.L., Efimov S.N.
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Informatics, computer technology and management
Статья в выпуске: 4 vol.25, 2024 года.
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Due to the difficulties that arise when using satellite navigation systems at airfields at present, and the insufficient accuracy of inertial navigation systems, optical measuring systems have again begun to be used to carry out trajectory measurements. However, existing measuring systems have a number of disadvantages. The purpose of this work is to describe a method for increasing the accuracy of trajectory measurements obtained by the goniometric method. The article reviews the main algorithms currently used in trajectory measurements and their shortcomings. An algorithm for frame-by-frame post-flight processing of recorded video from cameras of an optical-electronic measuring complex is proposed. A description of the implementation of this algorithm is given, taking into account the specifics of graphical software interfaces for processing user of the algorithm’s input. The proposed algorithm allows, after carrying out trajectory measurements, without time restrictions, to correct pan and tilt of the platform at each moment in time. The proposed algorithm makes it possible to increase the accuracy of trajectory measurements when testing aircraft, both already carried out and future ones. The proposed algorithm can also be used to obtain would-be pan and tilt of the camera when implementing a goniometric direction-finding complex using fixed wide-angle optical cameras. For example, when measuring the radiation patterns of an aircraft's onboard antennas using a quadcopter-meter to determine its position in space at each moment in time. The article also presents the main advantages and disadvantages of the algorithm, makes proposals for its improvement, and suggests possible areas of its application.
Trajectory measurements, direction finding method, goniometric method, optical measurements, post-flight processing, determination of aircraft coordinates, satellite navigation systems
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329756 | DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2024-25-4-433-439
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