Algorithm for Overcoming the Monoprofile of the Arctic City: The Case of Norilsk
Автор: Pilyasov A.N.
Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north
Рубрика: Social and economic development
Статья в выпуске: 53, 2023 года.
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The research question of the article — identifying ways to overcome the single-industry nature of the city of Norilsk — have been concretized by solving the following tasks: to substantiate the “specificness” of Norilsk among the largest Arctic cities of Russia; to determine the role of the agglomeration effect in strengthening the support of Norilsk for the projects of Taimyr and the entire Eastern Arctic; to determine the potential of Norilsk Nickel’s service structures and urban entrepreneurship for new mining and infrastructure projects in the Eastern Arctic; propose mechanisms for implementing the Norilsk Support Strategy. The methodological base of the study was formed by the concepts of technological modes, development blocking of old-industrial / mono-industrial territories and supportive settlements. Main results: Norilsk is the most specific among the largest Arctic cities of Russia according to the composite index, made up of nine key demographic, economic, socio-cultural indicators. Non-standard approaches are needed to diversify its economy. The agglomeration effect can constructively contribute to Norilsk’s transformation from a single-industry city into a base city for the development of the Eastern Arctic. The most important areas of structural transformation of Norilsk’s economy include strengthening the practice-orientation and geographical expansion of consumers of services of the local scientific and educational complex; establishment of an entrepreneurial layer in new industries and types of production activities; and entry of the city's entrepreneurship together with the plant's service structures into the market of projects and settlements in the Eastern Arctic. The main mechanisms for the implementation of the Norilsk Strategy are: “mirror” actions in the eastern Arctic of the city and the Norilsk Nickel combine; transformation of Norilsk into a center for the provision of security services for the territories of the eastern Arctic; a center of formation of the Arctic cruise tourism from Dudinka to Anadyr; a center for accumulating best practices of renovation of the Arctic housing and communal services for their replication in the cities and towns of the Eastern Arctic. Recognition of Norilsk’s success in becoming a base city in the Eastern Arctic will be an increase in its administrative status: transformation into a city of federal significance.
Monoprofile city, core city, transformation, Arctic agglomeration effect, composite index of specificity, structural shifts in the urban economy, Norilsk, the center of development of the Eastern Arctic
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329492 | DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2023.53.101
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