Algorithm for selecting the optimal organizational and economic mechanism for improving the efficiency of agricultural organizations

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The organizational and economic mechanism for improving the efficiency of agricultural organizations provides for the material and technical modernization of production and economic activities, the introduction of digital technologies in the production process (precision farming technologies) and management processes, the growth of resource potential utilization efficiency indicators through staff training, control over the consumption of inventory (fixed and working capital), monitoring compliance with the technology of cultivating crops and keeping animals, management of fields and (or) herds, timely and fully material and financial support of the production process. The development of efficiency growth reserves at the level of agricultural organizations requires, in addition to the material component, scientific support for the use of knowledge-intensive resources such as seeds, genetic material, plant protection products, fertilizer forms, growth stimulants, veterinary drugs, as well as new technical and technological solutions. In this regard, the article considers the stages and functions of managing the organizational and economic mechanism for increasing the efficiency of an agricultural organization, as well as algorithms for actions at each stage and elements of organizing measures to implement the organizational and economic mechanism for increasing efficiency. The author also considers the range of directions in which it is possible to increase the efficiency of agricultural organizations. The choice of mechanisms for improving efficiency requires a balanced and economically justified approach, so the development of organizational and economic reserves for improving the efficiency of agricultural organizations should be based on an objective economic assessment of conditions, costs and prospects. Growth reserves must not only be determined, but also their cost should be assessed as well as preliminary and final calculations of the effectiveness of their development should be made. In this connection, an algorithm for selecting the optimal organizational and economic mechanism for improving the efficiency of agricultural organizations with different levels of development and technological structure is proposed. Key indicators are proposed to characterize the reserves for improving the efficiency of farms for the upcoming medium-term period in the production of the main commodity types of crop and livestock products, and factors affecting the potential for developing the reserves of efficiency of agricultural organizations are considered.


Efficiency, organizational and economic mechanisms, reserves of growth, stages, control function, choice

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IDR: 147228871   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2020.4.181

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