Algorithms for realization of object-oriented method functional to the synthesis of spur gear geometric parameters

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This paper is devoted to development of algorithms for calculation of boundary parameters values of curves that are included in the mathematical model [3] for tooth shape description. This algorithms and mathematical model for tooth shape description, union with object-oriented model are some of key parts in realization of object-oriented approach to spur gear synthesis.In this moment products with high traction, including special purpose drives, development using by CAD-systems. But a few tools are developed for building of gear precise geometry in these systems. In turn, developed program complex is the tool with which you can perform spur gear design, verify gear interaction with high precision (to 1 micron) and perform gear geometry export in CAD-systems for placing them in develop products and explore them in CAE-systems.Presented algorithms were realized in program complex. This algorithms and the proposed methodic of spur gear design were tested in development of products with high traction.


Spur gear, numerical methods, algorithms, object-oriented model

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 146115231   |   DOI: 10.17516/1999-494X-2017-10-5-631-645

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