Aluminum alloys selection for bearings of machine-building parts

Автор: Nurmetov Kh.I., Khalmurzaev B.Kh., Avdeeva A.N., Valieva D.Sh., Akhmedova D.A., Erkinov S.M.

Журнал: Мировая наука @science-j

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 5 (74), 2023 года.

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Aluminium-based alloys are classified by production technology, hardening level after thermal treatment and service properties. Aluminium alloys produced by powder metallurgy methods are of a particular interest. They possess high strength, corrosion resistance and temperature strength. Aluminium-based sintered materials are used instead of heavy metal alloys. Strength properties and processing characteristics of aluminium-based materials change considerably after thermal treatment.

Aluminium alloys, duralumin, malleable, high strength, sintered, foundry, silumins magnalins, recrystallization, non-hardenable deformable alloys

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IDR: 140299403

Список литературы Aluminum alloys selection for bearings of machine-building parts

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