An ethics crisis in virtual media space

Автор: Aleksandra PenjIšević, Branislav Sančanin, Margarita Bogdanova

Журнал: Social Informatics Journal @socialinformaticsjournal

Статья в выпуске: 1 vol.2, 2023 года.

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This paper will address basic ethical issues in virtual space determined by global multidirectional networking through different space and time. Numerous ethical issues will be stressed which, as a result of the complex reflections of ubiquitous media convergence, determine each individual topic, from issues of personal data protection and information security, to strengthening credibility and building trust in the virtual community. In relation to the objectives and established development guidelines, different ethical dimensions, in their complexity and multi-layeredness in a digitally empowered future, should not be viewed in isolation but exclusively through their complementarity and a quality foundation for further in-depth research.


Virtual space, media, social networks, ethics

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170203979   |   DOI: 10.58898/sij.v2i1.07-13

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