An integrated approach to the improvement of primary school lessons and its importance
Автор: Egamberdiyeva Yu.U.
Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium
Рубрика: Основной раздел
Статья в выпуске: 10 (77), 2020 года.
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Primary teacher needs to adopt the many new techniques of teaching in a school. These contemporary techniques are designed with much research and analysis for the development and growth of children. Most of these techniques aim to construct effective learning which has been included in the syllabus of each and every primary school. Today students are taught with these specialized techniques so that the development of cognitive abilities in children takes place.
Teachers training organizations, sensitive times of a child’s life, contemporary techniques
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IDR: 140251377
Список литературы An integrated approach to the improvement of primary school lessons and its importance
- 1.Prengel, A. Pädagogik der Vielfalt (2nd ed.). Opladen: Leske & Budrich.
- Bastian, J. & Helsper, W. (2000).
- 2.Professionalisierung im Lehrberuf - Bilanzierung und Perspektiven. In J. Bastian, W. Helsper, S. Reh, S. & C. Schelle (Eds), Professionalisierung im Lehrberuf. Von der Kritik der Lehrerrolle zur pädagogischen Professionalität (167-192). Leske & Budrich.
- 3.Reh, S. (2004). Abschied von der Profession, von Professionalität oder vom Professionellen? Theorien und Forschungen zur Lehrerprofessionalität. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 47 (3), 358-72.
- 4.Senge, P. M. (1996). Die fünfte Disziplin. Kunst und Praxis der lernenden Organisation. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.