Analysis of the formation of the service system of machines at the enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex of Omsk region

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The basic principles of the development of technical service in the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation are determined by the need to improve the system of servicing the machine and tractor park during the warranty and post-warranty periods of its use on the basis of a system of dealers. The organization of dealer enterprises strengthens the responsibility of manufacturers for the quality of the produced equipment, and becomes the basis for increasing sales of machinery and spare parts. Demand for the service is generated by the acquisition of equipment. Therefore, at present, service maintenance is becoming one of the decisive factors for acquiring new machinery of the manufacturer in the conditions of intensive struggle in the market. As a result of the research, the analysis of the current situation of the maintenance system, structure and condition of the machine and tractor fleet of the enterprises of the agroindustrial complex of the Omsk Region was carried out, taking into account the update over the last four years...


Technical service, dealer, tractor, maintenance, productivity, agriculture, machine-tractor park, manufacturing plant

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IDR: 142216206

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