Analysis and mapping of anthropogenic load of aquatic ecosystems in the southern part of the Volgograd agglomeration
Автор: Onistratenko N.V., Egorov A.V.
Журнал: Природные системы и ресурсы @ns-jvolsu
Рубрика: Экология
Статья в выпуске: 2 т.14, 2024 года.
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One of the most acute modern problems is the anthropogenic and general climatic degradation of natural ecosystems, including the transformation of water bodies of various origins. The regulation of large and small rivers, the change of their channels, and the management of the discharge regime are only part of the problems of a hydrological nature. The shallowing of large reservoirs leads to their excessive heating, which, in turn, changes the oxygen-carbon dioxide clearance due to the lower solubility of oxygen under heating conditions. The explosive growth of the simplest flora, caused by better warming and solarization, leads to the transformation of algosinusions, the building of new biocenotic relationships, and the formation of new communities. The influx of man-made, agricultural, and economic pollutants, in turn, causes a decrease in biodiversity in reservoirs, the accumulation of hazardous substances in ecosystem elements, and their migration along trophic levels. It is the small, often temporary, watercourses of girder origin that play an important role in these processes, replenishing a large, integrating object throughout its course. The runoff collected from the surrounding landscapes forms the primary toxic profile of small hydroelectric facilities, which initially affects their ecosystems and, at the same time, changes as a result of biotic transformation. Therefore, it is natural to talk not just about the quantitative trend of pollutants entering as a solution from small rivers into large ones but also about the ecosystem impact of these streams on the overall lothian ecosystem of a large river. Thus, during monitoring, it becomes necessary to consider the sequential transformation of an integral large river ecosystem under the influence of merging small river ecosystems that collect, transform, and transfer negative pressure to the surrounding and forming landscapes. That is why we come to the need to visualize numerical indicators in cartographic terms, which brings us closer to interactive GIS and accumulating and processing actual ecomonitoring material. The article analyzes the state of aquatic ecosystems in the southern part of the Volgograd agglomeration and the water quality indicators of a large water body depending on the state of the small watercourses feeding it. The analysis was carried out on the basis of long-term observations using bioindication methods such as the Mayer index and the Woodiwiss index. The field analysis of chemical indicators of the quality condition was carried out using the test system “Cristmas.” With the help of mapping, the results of observations, the water quality by individual indicators, as well as the influence of small watercourses on the state of a large integrating aquatic ecosystem, were displayed.
Environmental monitoring, aquatic ecosystems, pollution, mapping, biogeocenosis
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 149146565 | DOI: 10.15688/nsr.jvolsu.2024.2.2