Analysis and quality evaluation of technological processes for finishing elastic leather

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The article presents the outcomes of industrial testing of technologies for final finishing of elastic leathers with natural and polished surfaces. The quality of technological processes for finishing leather was assessed using a comprehensive set of qualitative and quantitative indicators. The degree of adhesion of the resultant polymer coating to the leather surface was quantified. The impact of technological finishing processes on the alteration in the hygienic properties of semi - finished leather products was investigated. The physical and mechanical properties of the resulting leathers were examined for their technological appropriateness and compliance with the stipulations of regulatory and technical documentation. It was determined that the technologies tested for finishing the front surface of semi - finished leather products enable the production of high - quality finished leather, satisfying most criteria outlined in regulatory documents. Recommendations were formulated for optimizing the technology of finishing semi - finished leather products to enhance the quality attributes of finished leather. The industrial application of the tested technology will significantly augment production efficiency, expand the product range and generate additional profit from the production and sale of new products that are in demand on the market.


Physical and mechanical properties, technological parameters, elastic leather, semi-finished leather product, finishing technology, cover dying, polymer coating, coating adhesion, coating quality

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142240289   |   DOI: 10.24412/2079-7958-2023-3-69-83

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