Analysis of historical data and images of Siberian Tartar warriors on the miniature Remezovskoy chronicle

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This article analyzes the historical information about the participation of Tatars in the hostilities on the side of Russian authorities against the supporters of the restoration of the Siberian Khanate Kuchum Khan and his successors, in the forest-steppe and steppe areas of Western Siberia. An important source for the reconstruction of weapons of Siberian Tartar warriors are miniatures of the facial arch Remezovskoy chronicles, which show the military clashes Tatar military units among themselves, or with the Russian Cossacks. The study of these images revealed the major weapons that have been in service with the Siberian Tartar warriors during the accession of Western Siberia to the Russian state. Among them are depicted in miniatures bows and arrows, quivers, slings, spears, flags, sabers and swords. It is possible that some of the peaked hats depicted in the Siberian Tatar warriors can transfer the outline of helmets. The weapon shown in the test miniatures, weapons matches Turkic and Mongol nomadic peoples of the steppe belt of Eurasia in the late Middle Ages. The illustrations are present quivers, which were characteristic of the Siberian Tatars during the existence of the Siberian Khanate. However, the images no defensive armor, which was used by Siberian Tatar warriors. This corresponds to the period of the creation of drawings at the end of the XVII century., When supporters and successors of Khan Kuchum stopped fighting for the restoration of the Siberian Khanate.


Miniature images of warriors, siberian tatars, arms, western siberia, power, chilikul

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IDR: 147218894

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