The analysis of the lexicon of the narrator's linguistic personslity in the novel “The moon and sixpence” by Somerset Maugham

Автор: Paley Anna, Cherednichencko Anastasiya

Журнал: Бюллетень науки и практики @bulletennauki

Рубрика: Филологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 11 (12), 2016 года.

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The author of this article studies and analyzes the peculiarities of the vocabulary and style of the narrator in the novel “The Moon and Sixpence”. The analyses are based on the definition of the linguistic personality by Yu. N. Karaulov. We analyzed 33 examples of the narrator’s sentences. There are such stylistic devices as simile, allusion, irony etc. in the narrator’s speech. The author comes to the conclusion that the narrator in Maugham’s novel is a person with wide scope, well-educated and broad-minded.

Linguistic personality, vocabulary, narrator

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IDR: 14110731   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.167030

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