Филологические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Бюллетень науки и практики
!["Присяга чудная четвертому сословью": к вопросу о влиянии политических стихотворений Ф. И. Тютчева на русскую поэтическую традицию XX века "Присяга чудная четвертому сословью": к вопросу о влиянии политических стихотворений Ф. И. Тютчева на русскую поэтическую традицию XX века](/file/thumb/14110956/prisjaga-chudnaja-chetvertomu-soslovjuk-voprosu-o-vlijanii-politicheskih.png)
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В работе приводятся аргументы, свидетельствующие о связи между двумя стихотворениями, отстоящими друг от друга почти на полвека: о политическом стихотворении Ф. М. Тютчева «Гус на костре» (1870), исследователями обойденном, и стихотворении О. Э. Мандельштама «На розвальнях, уложенных соломой» (1915) - напротив, многократно исследованном (К. Ф. Тарановский, Л. Я. Гинзбург, Г. Фрейдин и др.), но так и не поясненном окончательно.
!["Прощай, немытая Россия...". К вопросу об авторстве М. Ю. Лермонтова и об особенностях аргументации, опровергающей авторство "Прощай, немытая Россия...". К вопросу об авторстве М. Ю. Лермонтова и об особенностях аргументации, опровергающей авторство](/file/thumb/14111596/proshhaj-nemytaja-rossija-k-voprosu-ob-avtorstve-m-ju-lermontova-i-ob.png)
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Статья представляет собой реплику в споре об авторстве стихотворения «Прощай, немытая Россия», приписываемому М. Ю. Лермонтову. Автор находит возможным и необходимым полемизировать с антилермонтовскими версиями, которые представлены в статьях А. Кутыревой, Г. Клеченова, С. Сокурова, П. Краснова, а также в интервью В. Михайлова, поскольку эти версии основаны на идеологических предпосылках, не учитывают особенности поэтики Лермонтова и буквализируют художественные образы стихотворения. Автор ставит перед собой цель доказать, что попытки укоренить художественное произведение в русле господствующей идеологии искажают смысл произведения и нивелируют его художественные достоинства. Автор выражает согласие с документально-библиографической аргументацией, опровергающей авторство М. Ю. Лермонтова, представленной в статье М. Д. Эльзона, и приходит к выводу, что вопрос об авторстве Лермонтова следует признать открытым в силу отсутствия автографа и списка стихотворения, общественного резонанса на его возможное распространение в списках, а также в силу публикации, значительно хронологически отсроченной от времени создания стихотворения, но не по причине его мировоззренческого и поэтического несоответствия художественной системе М. Ю. Лермонтова.
!["Спанглиш": с зарождения до наших дней. История и причины развития "Спанглиш": с зарождения до наших дней. История и причины развития](/file/thumb/14124465/spanglishs-zarozhdenija-do-nashih-dnej-istorija-i-prichiny-razvitija.png)
"Спанглиш": с зарождения до наших дней. История и причины развития
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В статье рассматривается вопрос возникновения такого языкового явления, как «спанглиш», его развитие до статуса смешанного языка и сопутствующие этому аспекты. Исследовано распространение данного лингвистического феномена на территории приграничных штатов Америки и Мексики и бывших испанских колоний, подвергнутых американизации. Изучены вопросы преобладания того или иного составляющего языка в «спанглише», возникновение его различных диалектов под влиянием социальных, экономических и миграционных аспектов в ходе и как следствие Испано-американской и Американо-мексиканской войн. Кроме того, рассмотрено дальнейшее распространение «спанглиша» и его развитие в рамках современных реалий.
![Aesthetic principles of European and Russian romanticism, Azerbaijani romanticism Aesthetic principles of European and Russian romanticism, Azerbaijani romanticism](/file/thumb/14130507/aesthetic-principles-of-european-and-russian-romanticism-azerbaijani-romanticism.png)
Aesthetic principles of European and Russian romanticism, Azerbaijani romanticism
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At the end of the 18th century, the emergence of the artistic movement of Romanticism in European culture led to innovations in aesthetic approaches not only in this region of the world, but also in a more global environment. Speaking about the genesis of Western European romanticism, one cannot ignore the role of the cultural and philosophical ideas of romanticism in those trends and methods that will be formed in subsequent stages. There is no doubt that the emergence of romanticism was able to change the worldview of people who lived at that stage, influencing all spheres of social thought. However, it is illogical to forget that there is a certain disharmony in the created process.
![Angels and demons novel - a milestone in Dan Brown's creative work Angels and demons novel - a milestone in Dan Brown's creative work](/file/thumb/14116029/angels-and-demons-novela-milestone-in-dan-browns-creative-work.png)
Angels and demons novel - a milestone in Dan Brown's creative work
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Nowadays the genres eclecticism is so widespread that it is sometimes impossible to identify to which genre a work belongs. This situation, in turn, is reflected in the blurring of the frontiers between Highbrow and Lowbrow literature. Moreover, there are novels that contain some elements of Pulp fiction, and yet they do not belong to this type of literature. This situation is particularly topical with the works that open a series of sequels exploring the same theme or featuring the same protagonist, like the novel under our investigation. This research has proved that this novel contains artistic merit and cannot be referred to as Pop culture product, repeating the same stamp. Furthermore, we traced how the author’s concept of the archetypal notions of Angels and Demons was reflected in the novel. Thus, these results have been reached by implementing biographical approach in considering the writer’s literary career; historical approach in analyzing inaccuracies in depiction of the historical events; and mythological in tracing the reflection of the novelist’s archetypal concept. The benefits of this study include changing attitude to the literary heritage of the author and drawing more attention of scholars to the given novel.
![Anthropocentric model of discourse Anthropocentric model of discourse](/file/thumb/14115650/anthropocentric-model-of-discourse.png)
Anthropocentric model of discourse
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The article delves into the new approaches to discourse highlighting its communicative, cognitive, pragmatic and linguocultural aspects. The aim is to scrutinize the notion of discourse in relation with human factor in different communicative settings. It is acknowledged that studies on the current topic area can be more successful by the integration of anthropocentric paradigm.
![Artificial neural networks and translation Artificial neural networks and translation](/file/thumb/14111650/artificial-neural-networks-and-translation.png)
Artificial neural networks and translation
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Relevance of the issue under study is enough high to worry and speculate about it, because technologies now are reaching the step, there it was not expected to see about 5-6 years ago. The purpose of the article is to understand, is it possible in the near future to make machine translator based Artificial Neural Network (ANN) able to remove live translators. The leading approach to the study is to compare statistical translation, translation by neural network and translation by professional live translator, to see how high quality of translation by machine interpreter. The article considers the basic concepts of ANN, as well as modern artificial translators. The results showed that Artificial Intelligence developed on a very high level, but we are still at a great distance from technologies of that level and near future, it will eliminate professional translators, though, artificial translators influence on increasing level of language knowledge. The article may be useful for people interested in mechanisms of translation and for translators of all levels, as well as for programmers who are interested in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and all kind of translators, who want to know the future of their profession.
![Brief evolution of children's literature: from folklore to epic novels Brief evolution of children's literature: from folklore to epic novels](/file/thumb/14120961/brief-evolution-of-childrens-literaturefrom-folklore-to-epic-novels.png)
Brief evolution of children's literature: from folklore to epic novels
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The article examines the evolution of children’s literature as an independent part of literature. When did the children’s literature become a satisfying branch of literature and scholars find it distinct for being researched? An understanding of children’s literature is a central issue in the development of every sphere of our life: from home sittings to ELT classrooms. While teachers are all wound up with teaching young learners in ELT classrooms reading tales, stories and poems remain unnoticing part of education, overall, knowing what evolutionary way children’s literature passed through gives us an opportunity to develop ELT classrooms better and hence straighten out our young learners with correct motivation into literature.
![Brief overview of semantic description of spatial elements in Azerbaijani fairy tales Brief overview of semantic description of spatial elements in Azerbaijani fairy tales](/file/thumb/14117766/brief-overview-of-semantic-description-of-spatial-elements-in-azerbaijani-fairy.png)
Brief overview of semantic description of spatial elements in Azerbaijani fairy tales
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In fairy tales, space plays an important role and acts as a structural element of fairy tales, performing a certain function within the fairy tale. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine fairy tales without the elements of space. As it is mentioned in the article, the world of fairy tales consists of numerous transformations and changes of spatial elements. The article gives a brief overview of semantic description of the spatial elements in the Azerbaijan fairy tales on the bases of five volume book of the Azerbaijan fairy tales. The article also identifies the functions of the words describing spatial elements. It investigates the transformations of spatial elements in the fairy tales. It notes that the spatial elements make up the archaic world model and participate in the formation of fairy tales. The article searches the semantic structure of the fairy tales with exact examples from them.
![Characteristics of the genre and style in the works of Yassawi Characteristics of the genre and style in the works of Yassawi](/file/thumb/14120459/characteristics-of-the-genre-and-style-in-the-works-of-yassawi.png)
Characteristics of the genre and style in the works of Yassawi
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In the form of hikmet Ahmed Yassawi is a historical document that reads the life of the Yassawi sheikh himself, divided by him into two periods: sixty-three years on earth and sixty-three years under the earth. The results of the study of the Hikmet Corps convince that Ahmed Yassavi, despite the presence of phantasms in his texts, lived and served his faith as a sane person who organized an authoritative Sufi organization in Turkestan and effectively led it for decades.
![Cognitive approach to the classification of phraseological units with the component “water” Cognitive approach to the classification of phraseological units with the component “water”](/file/thumb/14117820/cognitive-approach-to-the-classification-of-phraseological-units-with-the.png)
Cognitive approach to the classification of phraseological units with the component “water”
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Phraseology has been at the focus of attention in different fields of linguistics because of its important role in verbalization of a particular nation’s mentality and cultural values. According to cognitive linguistics, phraseological units verbalize on language level cognitive models produced in our minds by comparing one phenomenon to another. This article is aimed to analyze phraseological units with the component of “water” in English language according to a cognitive parameter and to group them in accordance with the metaphorical meanings they denote.
![Cognitive-pragmatic analysis of inductive modality and means of its expression in a language Cognitive-pragmatic analysis of inductive modality and means of its expression in a language](/file/thumb/14129741/cognitive-pragmatic-analysis-of-inductive-modality-and-means-of-its-expression-in.png)
Cognitive-pragmatic analysis of inductive modality and means of its expression in a language
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Modality is a multidimensional category that has different ways of expression and functioning in language. Within the framework of the communicative-pragmatic approach, modality is considered in inextricable connection with the utterance, the speech act and the communicative situation as a whole. The article is devoted to the study of the category of incentive modality. The definition of the category of modality is given and defines the main means of expressing modality.
![Cognitive-stylistic and pragmatic aspects of semantic deviations in the short story “Fault lines” written by Barbara Kingsolver Cognitive-stylistic and pragmatic aspects of semantic deviations in the short story “Fault lines” written by Barbara Kingsolver](/file/thumb/14124467/cognitive-stylistic-and-pragmatic-aspects-of-semantic-deviations-in-the-short.png)
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The article is devoted to the pragmatic and cognitive stylistic analysis of semantic deviations in the short story “Fault Lines” written by Barbara Kingsolver. It goes without saying that in literary works a language tends to have immense meaning since the author has unlimited freedom to communicate his/her ideas in his literary works. This allows a writer to make full use of his creativity to convey his/her message towards the readers by applying his individual style. Semantic deviation is one of the linguistic deviations which is implemented when a combination of incompatible and illogical words violates literary norms of a language in an attempt to evoke a reader’s surprise, grab a reader’s attention, exert emotional effect and bring aesthetic beauty to a literary text. On top of that, very few investigations have been carried out to research cognitive-stylistic characteristics along with pragmatic characteristics of semantic deviations as key mechanisms of foregrounding and thus this can be an attempt to fill this gap. The language in use will be analyzed in an attempt to study “the meaning of language in relation to a context and of use and users”. Therefore, it becomes apparent that cognitive aspects and pragmatic aspects go hand in hand and in order to conduct effective research both aspects have to be and will be taken into account.
![Comparable features in the works of Ibn Battuta and other contemporary travelers Comparable features in the works of Ibn Battuta and other contemporary travelers](/file/thumb/14115763/comparable-features-in-the-works-of-ibn-battuta-and-other-contemporary-travelers.png)
Comparable features in the works of Ibn Battuta and other contemporary travelers
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The famous Moroccan Arabic traveler Ibn Battuta made a remarkable contribution to both eastern and western literature. His work Tukhfat an-nuzzor fi garoib al-amsor va ajoib al-afsor (Travelogue) is highly regarded as a valuable source which gives unique information about the culture and traditions, lifestyle of medieval cities and countries. This article analyses the extensive comparison between travels of Ibn Battuta and other outstanding travelers such as a Venetian traveler Marco Polo and a Russian traveler Afanasy Nikitin. Furthermore, it investigates the common situations which can be encountered in each traveler’s journey.
![Comparative analysis of intelligent devil villains in W. Shakespeare's tragedies: Macbeth, Julius Caesar and Othello Comparative analysis of intelligent devil villains in W. Shakespeare's tragedies: Macbeth, Julius Caesar and Othello](/file/thumb/14116225/comparative-analysis-of-intelligent-devil-villains-in-w-shakespeares-tragedies.png)
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This article compares three prominent villains - Macbeth, Brutus and Iago in three famous tragedies: Macbeth, Julius Caesar and Othello by William Shakespeare according to the terms of intelligence and devilry. These two main aspects are considered for the analysis to find the main similarities and differences and categorize their villainy on the basis of devilry.
![Corpus-based study of engineering terms: linguistic and pedagogical implications Corpus-based study of engineering terms: linguistic and pedagogical implications](/file/thumb/14115144/corpus-based-study-of-engineering-termslinguistic-and-pedagogical-implications.png)
Corpus-based study of engineering terms: linguistic and pedagogical implications
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The article discusses the corpus study of engineering terms for linguistic research - the extraction and classification of terms identified by the frequency of words in the corpus and pedagogical implications - the application of effective results to the teaching and learning of engineering terms in engineering universities of Uzbekistan. In the course of the study, computer programs AntGorGen were used to create the target corpus and AntConc for analyzing the lexis of research articles. This article offers further corpus-based studies with consideration of the acquiring and comprehension of engineering terms for developing engineering students’ research skills.
![Cultural lacunae: lacunas of activity as intercultural communication in translation Cultural lacunae: lacunas of activity as intercultural communication in translation](/file/thumb/14129294/cultural-lacunaelacunas-of-activity-as-intercultural-communication-in.png)
Cultural lacunae: lacunas of activity as intercultural communication in translation
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The article deals with the translation issues of lacunas of activity as cultural lacunae which are an integral part of the Kyrgyz culture and adequate interpretation of which plays a great role in intercultural communication. Through translated works of art cultures undoubtedly communicate in many ways. Traditions, rituals and other behavioral peculiarities characteristic to one culture might be quite unknown or even seem strange to foreign readers. The author tried to give examples for lacunas of activity described in the novels by Ch. Aitmatov and to show the difficulties of lacunas of activity translation as none of the methods proposed by scholars can be used in transforming them into English. Comparing lacunas of activity in the ST and TT, it has been found out that gestures, movements, actions that follow talking reflected in the works of art can’t be eliminated, compensated or commented in literary translation therefore it will be challenging for foreign recipients. Indifferent readers will find them strange while concerned ones will get more information about another culture. This way cultures communicate with each-other through translation.
![Description of women in Jawahir ul-ajaib Description of women in Jawahir ul-ajaib](/file/thumb/14123500/description-of-women-in-jawahir-ul-ajaib.png)
Description of women in Jawahir ul-ajaib
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The article provides information on the first memoir devoted to women Jawahir ul-ajaib by Fakhriy Hiraviy, and the manuscript copies of the memoir stored in libraries around the world. You can find out about the quantity of art forms in the Jawahir ul-ajaib as well as the number of women and their work.
![Development speak from the 1940s until today Development speak from the 1940s until today](/file/thumb/14117819/development-speak-from-the-1940s-until-today.png)
Development speak from the 1940s until today
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The paper briefs on the emergence of the UN and the Bretton-Woods institutions necessitated by the post-war reconstruction of countries and development assistance. The planning, discussion, and implementation of development interventions were carried out exclusively in the English language. Since the origination of the Northern development discourse some 70 years ago, a specialized variant of English, the so-called Developmentspeak, has become widespread in the literature and the practice. Currently, it is used to implement most development programs. The article notes characteristics of Developmentspeak, e. g. it is overloaded with terms and jargonized. The paper also gives examples of Developmentspeak terms and expressions and discusses challenges related to their perception and understanding by countries-recipients of development assistance.
![Dialogue between linguistics and literary studies Dialogue between linguistics and literary studies](/file/thumb/14125343/dialogue-between-linguistics-and-literary-studies.png)
Dialogue between linguistics and literary studies
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The trend towards interdisciplinary that characterizes the modern scientific paradigm requires the development of a common philological terminology. It is suggested that one of the interdisciplinary terms could be “artistic concept”. The article examines the relationship of this methodological construct with the image, on the one hand, and the linguocultural concept, on the other hand. The reality of the logical is the reality of the application of the logical, while the reality of the eidos is the direct manifestation of the essence in general. The concept can then be seen as a methodological construct, i. e. not ontologically, but epistemologically. This is why the immediate task of the philological sciences should be to deactualize the methodology of conceptual analysis in linguistics and to develop it in literary studies.