Analysis of methods for detecting pulse waves of arterial pulsation signal

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During the acquisition of distal arterial pulse signal distortions caused by the breath of human and the effects of electromagnetic fields on the amplification units could be observed. The strongest distortion could be caused by the movement of the patient. Suppression of motion artifacts which frequency components overlap with the main spectral band of the distal arterial pulse signal is not a trivial task. This article is devoted to the distal arterial pulse signal processing method in the presence of motion artifact based on the multiresolution wavelet transform. The block diagram of the distal arterial pulse signal processing method composed of two stages of signal decomposition and signal reconstruction was proposed. The high efficiency of the proposed distal arterial pulse signal processing method based on multiresolution wavelet transform over using classical method based on the moving average filter was shown.


Distal arterial pulse, digital biosignals processing, multiresolution wavelet transform

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IDR: 148202523

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