Analysis of main models of educational institutions network interaction

Автор: Krasnova Gulnara A., Teslenko Valentina A.

Журнал: Университетское управление: практика и анализ @umj-ru

Рубрика: Факторы становления опорных вузов

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.21, 2017 года.

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This research article describes the best practices of different countries in initiating and maintaining international networking activity between universities. The main purpose of this research is to analyze how educational institutions’ networks can be classified depending on their models. According to the authors of the article, revealing criteria and types significant for the classification will facilitate the creation and promotion of networking activity in educational institutes. The authors described the criteria for classification of network interaction, taking into account the analysis of existing network international strategic partnerships. Analysis of the activities of joint universities network showed that favorable educational legislation, as well as state support to national universities that initiate and develop network activity enable their development and expansion. Development of network interaction and joint teaching programs has become a part of university internationalization all over the world. For the first time network universities that appeared in the last decade of ХХ century and joint teaching programs function at most international universities and their number is growing every year. Federal law «On education in the Russian Federation» N 273-ФЗ of 29.12.2012 for the first time introduces norms regulating functioning of joint teaching programs and network cooperation of universities. At the same time practical implementation of joint universities and programs as well as their creation leave many questions unanswered in the field of regulative, organizational, content and financial aspects. Therefore the research in the field of successfully functioning network cooperation models and joint teaching programs seems a relevant topic. The article can be useful to those Russian universities that develop network communication or plan to work in different fields of network communication in future.


Joint universities, international academic cooperation, double degree programs, consortium of universities

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IDR: 142227218

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