The analysis of the interaction of politics and law: regional and federal level

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The spheres of impact of politics and law just cross. Many political relations are exercised out of the legal framework (ideological, organizational, the membership relations). Moreover, some legal norms have no political importance at all (traffic regulations, the procedure for drawing up financial documents). At its core, the political mechanism is designed to form or to seize, as well as to exercise political power. In the scientific literature, the narrower concept “state power” acts as a fundamental object of politics. At the same time, it should not be forgotten that the relations concerning politics are realized apart from state activities, for example, in relation to participating in interparty organizations. Law in fact, pursues the opposite objective, it is aimed at an equal, fair protection and realization of the legitimate interests of its various entities in the specific legal relationship that are worked out in detail within the individual branches of law.


Politics, state, law, ideology, political system, legal system, legal system of the russian federation, rule-of-law state, civil society, constitutionalism

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