Analysis of primary-multiple cancer incidence in the Tomsk region

Автор: Shishkin D.A., Pisareva L.F., Choinzonov E.L., Odintsova I.N.

Журнал: Сибирский онкологический журнал @siboncoj

Рубрика: Экспериментальные исследования

Статья в выпуске: 2 (6), 2003 года.

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The analysis of primary-multiple cancer incidence in the Tomsk region during the period between 1991 and 2001 has been presented. Polyneoplasia was found in 842 cases comprising 4,1% of all cancer cases. The polyneoplasia incidence rate had 3 times increased from 1991 to 2001. Out of 842 patients with primary-multiple malignant tumors there were 417 males (49,7%) and 425 females (50,3%). Two malignant tumors were registered in 807 patients (95,8%), out of them there were 588 (69,8%) metachronous tumors and 219 (26,0%) synchronous tumors. Thirty-five patients (4%) had 3 malignant tumors each. Combinations of prostate cancer with bladder cancer as well as skin and lower lip cancers with lung and stomach cancers occurred most often in males. Primary-multiple malignant tumors of hormone-dependent organs occurred more frequently in females. The purpose of the control examination of patients treated for cancer should be not only the detection of recurrences and metastases but also the ability to detect a new independent tumor. Organs with a high frequency of polyneoplasia development require a special attention.


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