Analysis of the drag-reduction ability of the layout and cross-sectional shapes of subsea structures in the critical flow mode

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Introduction. Slender structures of subsea energy production systems are under constant influence of currents and waves. Hydrodynamic loads result from the interaction of subsea pipelines, umbilicals, equipment supports with fluid flows, and lead to the vortex formation in the area behind the structures. Vortex-induced forces are the sources of the cyclic loading. They accelerate gradually the fatigue damage, which may result in a failure. One of the ways to reduce the loads on subsea structures is to alter the shape of a cross-section, taking into account the flow regime. Dependence of the resulting hydrodynamic loads on the cross-sectional shape and relative position of structures has not been studied in details for the uniform flow in the critical mode. The current work is aimed at filling this gap. The research objective is to consider the impact of the distance between the structures, and also, the presence of a D-shaped structure, placed upstream relative to the group of three cylinders of different cross-sectional shapes.Materials and Methods. The computational fluid dynamics approach was used in this work for numerical simulations of vortex-induced forces in the ANSYS Fluent software for cylinder with D = 0.3 m. Modelling was conducted with the Detached Eddy Simulation (DES) method, which combined advantages of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equation (RANS) method and the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) method. The object of the research was the system of four structures in the 2D computational domain, which included the upstream D-shaped cylinder and the main group of three cylinders with the circular, squared and diamond shapes of the cross-section. The transient process was considered, where structures were under the influence of the uniform flow in the critical regime at Re = 2.5×10⁵.Results. Five sets of data were obtained in simulations for the time-dependent coefficients of the lift and drag forces: for the main system - of the D-shaped, circular, square and diamond structures, and also for the four systems - of only D-shaped, only circular, only square and only diamond shaped structures. Additional analysis was conducted for the effect of the distance between the structures on the amplitude of fluctuating hydrodynamic force coefficients. The obtained results are presented as time histories of coefficients of the lift and drag forces, frequency analysis and contours of velocity, pressure and vorticity fields. The results indicate a positive effect of the upstream D-shaped structure on reducing the drag force, acting on the central structure in the group of three cylinders located downstream.Discussion and Conclusion. The results of the performed studies facilitate the informed decisions regarding the arrangement of subsea structures in a group of four objects, depending on the cross-sectional shape and the distance between the structures. The upstream D-shaped structure provides reducing the hydrodynamic drag force acting on the central structure in the downstream group of three structures, thereby slowing the fatigue accumulation and increasing the time of safe operation.


Vortex-induced forces, drag coefficient, lift coefficient, uniform flow

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IDR: 142241585   |   DOI: 10.23947/2687-1653-2024-24-2-135-147

Список литературы Analysis of the drag-reduction ability of the layout and cross-sectional shapes of subsea structures in the critical flow mode

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