Anatomical peculiarity of epidermal structure of vervain medicinal leaves from different geographical regions

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The research objective is studying anatomic features of the structure of the epidermis of the leaves of vervain medicinal from different geographical regions. The objects of the research are the plants of vervain medicinal (from the biocollection of the Department of Agrobiotechnology of the All-Russia Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants), collected in the phase of a mass budding - beginning of blossoming. Anatomic features of the structure of the epidermis of stem leaves of vervain medicinal from different geographical regions of the first and second year are studied. The height of the plants, the average area of a leaf and habitus of a bush are determined. The plants of vervain medicinal population of VILAR differ in a sprawling form of a shrub; and the plants from France have a vertical arrangement of stalks. Vervain plants from France are taller in comparison with the plants from VILAR. The leaves of vervain medicinal are dorsoventral, with morphologically top (adaxial) and lower (abaxial) sides. Medium area of the leaf of vervain of the first year of life is more, than in the plants of the second year of life. The quantity of stomatas on the top and lower sides of leaf blade in the plants from VILAR is higher than at the first and second year of life. On both sides and along the veins of common vervain leaf from VILAR there are simple single-celled acuminate covering trichomes with a single basal cell. The length of trichomes is 182.5±14.9 - 206±17.3 microns. The density of their distribution on the top epidermis is 28.46±2.26 microns, on lower - 32.51±3.18 microns. The plants from France (Nantes) have a higher degree of pubescence. Glandular trichomes are found on stem leaves of the plants of vervain of different origin by the beginning of mass budding on the op and on the lower epidermis, mainly at the edges of a leaf blade and along the veins. Glandular trichomes are represented by two-cell formations with a pedicle of various lengths (from 141.32±10.04 microns to 211.02±20.45 microns) and glandular cell, with conical formations clearly visible in the upper part.


Common vervain, epidermis, stomata, trichomes

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140256870   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-1-30-36

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