Another you/another I: alterity as a focus of contemporary British literature

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The article renders the literary aspects of alterity as a philosophical category in the textual structures of contemporary British prose. In most general terms alterity denotes the sphere of interrelation between the Self and the Other. Alterity is represented in fiction in different aspects such as racial, ethnical, religious, social and sexual (gender).

Literary category, other, social, gender and individual otherness

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IDR: 147228694

Список литературы Another you/another I: alterity as a focus of contemporary British literature

  • Bentley N. Contemporary British Fiction: Edinburgh Critical Guides. -Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008.
  • De Beauvoir, Simone. The Second Sex. - New York:Vintage 1989 (originally published in France in1949.)
  • Levinas E. Alterity and Transcendence. (Trans. Michael B. Smith) -Columbia University Press, 1999.
  • May W. On the Multi-Cultural Novel, Zadie Smith, and Literary Origin // Footpath: A Journal of Contemporary British Literature in Russian Universities. Number 3. January - June 2010. - Perm: Perm State University, 2010a. - P. 18-24.
  • May W. Postwar Literature 1950 to 1990. York Press, 2010b.
  • Warner M. Homo-Narcissism; or, Heterosexuality. Engendering Men. Eds. Boone and Cadden. - London UK: Routledge, 1990.
  • Бахтин, М.М. Собрание сочинений: В 5 т. Т. 5. Работы 1940-х -начала 1960-х годов / М.М. Бахтин. - М.: Русские словари, 1997.
  • Половцев Д.О. Проблема инаковости в творчестве Э.М. Форстера: Дис.... канд. филол. наук. - Минск, 2008.
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