Аpplication of the propulsion subsystem on the base of SPT-100V plasmic thruster to orbit raising and orbit control of the Express-80 and Express-103 spacecraft

Автор: Ermoshkin Yu.M., Vnukov A.A., Volkov D.V., Kochev Yu.V., Simanov R.S., Yakimov E.N., Grikhin G.S.

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Aviation and spacecraft engineering

Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.22, 2021 года.

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Recently, there has been an increase of interest in satellite orbit raising using electric propulsion subsys-tems. Theoretic analyses and practical experience demonstrate that while orbit raising to the geostationary orbit (GEO) via a transfer orbit is feasible, it requires a certain amount of time due to the thrust of onboard electric thrusters being low (40-300 mN) and thus incomparable with that of propulsion systems of liquid propellant thrusters (22-400 N). Due to low thrust, orbit raising by electric thrusters is time-consuming. However, the associated increase in mass to GEO may counterbalance the long duration of satellite commis-sioning. Calculations demonstrate a potential added satellite mass on GEO of up to several hundred kilo-grams with orbit raising duration of about 6 months. In particular, with satellite mass not exceeding 2500 kg, coupled launch is possible using existing launch vehicles. ISS took into consideration the positive results ob-tained with Express-AM5, and Express-AM6 satellites to design the Express-80 and Express-103 with orbit raising in mind. Such approach allowed for a coupled launch on the Proton-M carrier rocked with a Breeze-M upper stage, and a twofold launch cost saving. To increase thrust during orbit raising and decrease its du-ration, coupled thruster operation in high thrust mode was implemented. The resulting total mass on GEO increase constituted over 700 kilograms with maneuver duration of up to 158 days. This allows performing coupled launches of heavier satellites with orbit raising by means of electric propulsion in a feasible timeframe.


Plasmic thruster, spacecraft, orbit raising, power processing unit, orbit control

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148329581

IDR: 148329581   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2021-22-3-480-493

Список литературы Аpplication of the propulsion subsystem on the base of SPT-100V plasmic thruster to orbit raising and orbit control of the Express-80 and Express-103 spacecraft

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