23, 2016 - Arctic and North

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ID: 148318650 Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148318650

Содержание выпуска 23, 2016 Arctic and North

Economics, political science, society and culture

Elena I. Golubeva, Nadezhda I. Tulskayа, Maria V. Tsekina, Natalia I. Kirasheva Ecological tourism in protected natural areas of the Russian Arctic: prospects and challenges 55

Conservation of the cultural and natural environment of the arctic

Alexander P. Оboimov Fedor Konyukhov’s dream 106

Reviews and reports

Konstantin S. Zaikov, Marina R. Kalinina, Aleksander M. Tamitskiy, Aleksander A. Saburov, Evgeny A. Shepelev Scientific and educational space of the Arctic: Norway 120

Authors, titles, аbstracts, and keywords

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