Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. Рубрика в журнале - Arctic and North

Публикации в рубрике (4): Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District
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Content analysis as a method to study the features of life of the resident population of coastal settlements of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District

Content analysis as a method to study the features of life of the resident population of coastal settlements of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District

Rostislav I. Loktev, Sergey M. Zuev

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The authors discuss the methodological approaches to the assessment of the level and quality of life of the population. The analysis of the scientific literature shows that in most cases, such studies are based on the basic statistics. The results of such studies give rise to some controversy related to the fact that at a fairly high standard of living, determined by a statistical method, the actual level of satisfaction of the population in the region, determined by other methods, is estimated lower. In this regard, the authors offer alongside with generally accepted methods of living standards and quality assessment of the population, to use the method of content analysis, which can be also used to identify the real problems of life of the resident population of coastal areas in terms of industrial development of the Arctic region.


Models for development of resources and territories of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District

Models for development of resources and territories of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District

Gennady F. Detter

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Challenges and threats related to the sustainable development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF) dictate the need to study the fundamental laws of evolution and current state of the struc-tures and processes of spatial development of AZRF, the development and scientific substantiation of meth-odology, methods and practical approaches to the formation of alternative (innovative) models of spatial ecological and economic development of the coastal and inland territories, including urban development, adaptation of existing methods of management. The study was conducted with use of the historical and comparative method, presupposing identification of common features in historical events in different periods of development of resources and territory of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. Also, the economic models were considered which were used in different historical periods in terms of their influence on the life of the population. As a result of the study, a pattern of development of Arctic territories depending on the targets of their development is discovered, the suggestions for the formation of the basic principles of the creation of new models of the spatial development of the Arctic regions are offered, from the point of view of the invariance of the innovative way as condition for sustainable development of the Russian Arctic.


Specifics of life and pedagogical activity in the Far North (in terms of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District)

Specifics of life and pedagogical activity in the Far North (in terms of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District)

Gennady F. Shafranov-Kutsev, Galina Z. Efimova

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Living in the territory of Far North (and in the equated territories) has its specificity which is reflected in all aspects of life of the population. The authors consider natural and climatic features of the Polar region and the specifics of labor’s process of locals (by the example of teachers). The review of statistics and educational policy of authorities of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District is carried out, the results of sociological research of teachers of the region are presented (questionnaire). The analysis of periods of living of the population at the Far North is presented, the degree of social rootedness of teachers is defined, the assessment of the main factors determining the interest of migrants to work at northern school and the main motives of moving to Far North is presented. The materials of a sociological research show in general the satisfactory estimates by teaching, conditions and quality of life that allow to predict their further fixing in the territory of the District, the dynamic and sustainable development of the autonomous District. The received results are applicable in the activity of governing bodies of the general education.


The current social and economic condition of the cities of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District and their innovative development

The current social and economic condition of the cities of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District and their innovative development

Roman A. Kolesnikov, Ekaterina A. Suhova

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The main problems of the socio-economic situation of the cities of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, which are primarily connected with the narrow raw material specialization of their economy, are considered in the article. The search for innovative ways of development of cities being resource centers of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation was carried out. The authors substantiate the need to move from the old concepts of industrial development to neoindustrialization. The methodological basis for achieving the goals set in the article are the system approach and statistical methods of analysis.

