Статьи журнала - Arctic and North
Все статьи: 907

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The article details the list of “Samoyeds”, compiled in 1832 by Tobolsk missionary Hieromonk Makarii. The generic names and surnames indicated there show that they belonged to the European, Ural and Siberian tundra Nenets, and it was not by chance that they were on the same list. It was a small group from the “Vojkar Samoyeds”, a separate territorial group of the Nenets ethnos, wandering in the 17th–19th centuries on both sides of the Subpolar Urals. On the basis of information from the “List”, generalization of materials from archival documents and works of researchers and travelers of the 18th – 19th centuries, it was possible to put forward several reasonable assumptions and clarifications about the origin of some Nenets families and patronyms, places of their settlement and marital relations. In addition, for the first time, it was possible to find information about the compiler of the “List”, its life and activities long before the missionary trip to the north of the Berezovsky department.

2022: The Russian Arctic in Times of Change
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The purpose of the article is to comprehend the problems of the Russian Arctic against the background of a special military operation in Ukraine in 2022. The research methodology is based on interdisciplinarity, general scientific methods, priority use of primary sources. The author investigates the current topics of determining the outer limits of the Russian continental shelf in the Arctic, Russia’s participation in the Arctic Council, the US Arctic strategy in 2019, 2022 and the US Arctic strategy in 2022. The volume of freight traffic in the Northern Sea Route and the Arctic Basin over the past few years, the activities of the newly established in 2022 FSBI “Glavsevmorput”, the creation of a single platform of digital services are analyzed. Due to Russia’s ongoing Asian turn in international relations to the east, the increase in the volume of cargo transportation to Asia and the sanctions of the collective West, there is an urgent need to bring existing regulations, navigation rules in line with the current reality in the economy and politics, to ensure the security of the entire Russian Arctic. In perspective, the transformation of the NSR water area into the sea transport corridor from Murmansk in the west to Vladivostok in the east becomes quite possible. In 2022, a modified procedure for identifying existing names of geographical objects was approved. An important aspect is the appearance on the map of the names of the Russians participated in the study of the Arctic. The complex of external and internal challenges in the Russian Arctic is not limited to the problems mentioned in the article and requires further research.

A Linguosemiotic Study of Nominations of Northern Lights in Russian and German
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The article studies lexical designations of the natural phenomenon of the Northern lights in scientific, literary, journalistic and advertising texts of German- and Russian-speaking authors. The purpose is to compare and contrast their implementation in German and Russian Arctic discourses. The study of semantics, syntactics and pragmatics of lexical designations of the phenomenon allows authors to comprehensively assess the views of German and Russian scientists, writers, poets, journalists, representatives of tourism and advertising business on the northern lights. A comparative study of lexical designations of the northern Lights in the focus of German and Russian Arctic discourses shows the similarity in the presentation of the lexical categories under consideration according to the existing universal (scientific) world picture and the differences in the implementation of lexical designations of northern lights, explained by the national world picture of the representatives of two compared linguistic cultures.

A New Military and Political Landscape in the Arctic: China Perspective
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The Arctic is becoming another node in a series of geopolitical contradictions between Russia and the West, where Moscow and Beijing speak largely from the same positions. This trend has become more relevant after the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine, which was also well understood by Chinese scientists and experts. In this work, the author has attempted to analyze the Chinese academic discourse, which considers the current geostrategic situation in the Arctic and substantiates the possibility and necessity of military and political cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic region. Chinese scientists and experts identify a number of new trends in NATO’s Arctic policy and conclude that the adjustment and new trends in the Arctic policy of the North Atlantic Alliance closely interact with the international political situation and the Arctic geopolitical game and correspond to the transformation and expansion of NATO’s strategic functions in recent years. As for the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the Arctic, China believes that it is mainly reflected in changing the geopolitical structure of the Arctic; undermining the foundations of international cooperation in the region; negatively affecting the process of economic development of the Arctic; and increasing pressure on the Arctic climate environment. A general analysis of the military-political situation in the Arctic in the context of China’s interests leads Chinese researchers to the conclusion that it is necessary to strengthen Russian-Chinese interaction and cooperation in the region. This conclusion allows them to formulate specific recommendations: facing new challenges in the Arctic and its increasing militarization, China and Russia need to define a program of security cooperation and increase its level.

A Word about the "Russian North" Concept
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The purpose of the review is to study the essence of the concept “Russian North” in the available written sources and in various branches of scientific knowledge. The historical process of the article is localized in a vast space from the Velikiy Novgorod, the Novgorod Veche Republic to Karelia, the coasts of the White and Barents Seas — the Arkhangelsk and Kola North, the NorthEast (Komi). The Russian North is understood as a hybrid concept that requires interpretation of economics, politics, society, culture, archeology, history, geography, ethnology, ethnography, philosophy, philology and other branches of scientific knowledge. The conceptual content is associated with modern understanding of historical evolution from the past to the present as a result of the thesaurus of knowledge accumulated over centuries.

A cosmopolitan, Sami-friendly scholar? Väinö Tanner on the best way to treat the Sami
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The topic of this article is Väinö Tanner’s views on Sami policies, which are examined from numerous perspectives, including his personal career and Nordic Sami policies. The discursive resources that he re-produced are also charted. Of the Sami policies in existence at that time, Tanner advocated the Swedish variant, which suited better the agenda of his scholarly production on the Skolt Sami. The origins of his choice are located in his long-term professional contact with Swedish experts on the Sami and the expert role provided by Swedish discourses on the Sami. The anti-Finnish agenda in his scholarly production, and his consequent wish to elevate the Sami in the hierarchies of that time, rendered the more aggressive Norwegian rhetoric on the Sami unusable. In addition, Tanner showed signs of a cultural sensitivity that made him suspicious of assimilative policies.

A great scientific tour in the North of Russia
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The coverage of various issues related to the Russian-Norwegian relations has always been important for the residents of both countries. Opportunities to present new documents and materials, to discuss the importance of centuries-old good neighborly relations between Russia and Norway, especially in the North, are not provided often. At the end of April 2018, large-scale scholarly events, devoted specifically to this topic, took place in Nikel and Murmansk. So, a scientific-practical seminar “Russia, Norway and the North. Historical relations” was held in Nikel on April 25 and on the next day in Murmansk the international conference “Neighbors in the Far North: historical ties between Russia and Norway” took place. One of the reasons for these measures was the presentation of the collective monograph “Getting closer: Russia and Norway 1814–1917”. The book was written jointly by Norwegian and Russian historians within the framework of a long-lasting historical megaproject (2008–2015) (led by J.P. Nielsen, AHR, UIT-The Arctic University of Norway). In November 2017 the book was published in Russian in Moscow by the “Ves’ Mir” publishing house after three years of preparation. It is the translation of a monograph, richly illustrated, about the history of Russian-Norwegian relations in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, originally published in Norwegian by the Pax Forlag AS, Oslo under the title “Russland kommer nærmere” in 2014.

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The history of Russia and Norway and their areas in the Arctic and Russian-Norwegian relations are traditionally important for the residents of both states. Opportunities to present new documents and materials, to discuss the significance of centuries-old ties between Russia and Norway, especially in the North, are not provided so often. In early April 2019, a large-scale scientific seminar of Russian and Scandi-navian historians, philologists, and archaeologists was held at the University of Tromsø — the Arctic University of Norway. It was precisely dedicated to the issues listed above. One of the reasons for the meeting was the jubilee of the Honorary Doctor of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Professor J.P. Nielsen. Also, the seminar hosted the presentation of a collective scientific collection written by associates of J.P. Nielsen from various countries — “In the North, the East and the West meet.”

A multidimensional Arctic: horizons of development
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The article presents an overview of events and presentations at the round table “Modern Arctic: Issues of International Cooperation, Politics, Economy and Security” held in Moscow in November 2017 by the Institute of Europe of RAS and devoted to various aspects and prospects of the development of the Arc-tic. The main goal of the event was to analyze risks and opportunities in key areas of cooperation and management in the Arctic: international cooperation, security, economy, ecology and social sphere. And, the formation of the Arctic consciousness and involvement in the Arctic issues with the help of mass media that covered the event widely, electronic and printed scientific publications based on its results.

A new book on the history of the Murman coast colonization
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The review of the book by P.V. Fedorov and A.A. Malashenkov “Soil on the Northern rocks: Orthodox necropolis of the Murmansk coast of the Barents Sea (1863–1920)”. The study based on the processing of metrical books made it possible to publish the information about 2,524 persons of the Orthodox religion buried on the Murmansk coast, or drowned in the sea in 1863–1920. The Authors found the demographic statistics related to the appearance of the settlements with permanent population. The book clarifies the idea of “cultural soil”, local and family-genealogical structures in the Russian Arctic, and it also contributes to the historical personification of the Murmansk coast.

A new scientific publication on the economic and socio-cultural development of the Russian Arctic
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The article represents a review of the book by N.U. Zamyatina and A.N. Pilyasov “The Russian Arctic: towards new understanding of the development processes” and provides the reader with a new scientific publication on the Arctic topic. The book is very diverse in its subject matter. It focuses on the location and economy of the Arctic towns, the cycles of the development of the Arctic territories, the specifics and prospects of the Arctic business, the regularities of human capital dynamics and the opportunities for technological innovation in the Russian Arctic. The book contains a large amount of statistical data and it is wellillustrated with diagrams and maps. The book by N.U. Zamyatina and A.N. Pilyasov will be of interest not only to specialists in the economic geography, but also to researchers of social sciences and humanities.

About A. V. Smetanin's book ''Think of the Homeland early…''
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The new book of the Doctor of Economics, professor A.V.Smetanina is reviewed.

About Russian Alaska and Its Ruler A.A. Baranov
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the present and past of the history of Alaska. Such a combination of times highlighted the most difficult problem of ambiguous attitude to the historical past in the USA from the standpoint of modernity. In the process of destroying monuments under the onslaught of the Black Lives Matter movement, the local Indian population accused the long-gone A.A. Baranov of racism, persecution of the indigenous population, enslavement of Tlingits and Aleuts for hunting fur-bearing animals. On July 14, 2020, the Sitka town and district assembly supported these accusations and decided to move his monument from the town square to the local museum. The review article reveals the objective conditions of the historical process during the period of A.A. Baranov's activity in Alaska in 1790–1818, using the methods of historicism, search and systematization of information, analysis and synthesis. The assessment of his personality is updated. The article shows the beginning of G.I. Shelikhov's and A.A. Baranov's activity in the North-Eastern Company, and then its transformation in 1799 into the Russian-American Company (RAC). The article examines the war with the Tlingit people of 1802–1804, the missionary work of Herman Alaskinskiy, three assessments of the nature of Russian colonization, N.P. Rezanov's plan for the modernization of RAC. The episode with Russia's sale of Alaska to the United States is also being clarified.

About Russian Pomor say a word
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Conceptual approaches 2 definitions of concepts ‘pomors’, ‘Russian Pomors’ in historical and modern understanding are considered.

About the appearance of the Russian border in Lapland (some results of the discussion)
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The article deals with the emergence of the Russian state border in Lapland. The author shows that the existing ideas in the historiography negate each other, and offers a solution to this issue on the basis of another method connected with the rise and fall of the system of double tribute of indigenous peoples — the Lapps (Saami). The approach is illustrated on the basis of traditional methods of analysis of sources, including ancient acts of Moscow and Danish rulers from the archaeographic collection of Y.N. Sherbachev.

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In this article Lomonosov is considered to be the founder of Northern Regional Studies, the person who determined the place and the role of the Arctic as the strategic factor of Russia’s development. The author proves practicality of a transition towards the principles of Russia’s geopolitical behavior ensuring protection of the country’s long-term economic interests in this region. Such approach is an expression of the continuity of the first Russian Academician’s ideas concerning the Arctic.

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The calculation of the integrated indicators of the innovative potential of the regions of the North and the Arctic by three methods. Clarifies the advantages and disadvantages of each method presented. Determined that the presence of a large number of different approaches and indicators to measure the level of innovation potential areas due to the ambiguity in the interpretation of the concepts of Russia, imperfect system of the statistical indicators and the lack of necessary information. The necessity of the further development of the methodology of the integrated assessment of innovation countries and regions.

About the new book of L. I. Nevzorov ‛Tracks of the vagabonds’
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Reviewing a new book by L. I. Nevzorov about Pinejie ‛Tracks of the vagabonds’.