New publications, reviews. Рубрика в журнале - Arctic and North

Публикации в рубрике (4): New publications, reviews
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About A. V. Smetanin's book ''Think of the Homeland early…''

About A. V. Smetanin's book ''Think of the Homeland early…''

Shubin S.I.

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The new book of the Doctor of Economics, professor A.V.Smetanina is reviewed.


NATO's actions in the Arctic and their influence on the militarization of the region

NATO's actions in the Arctic and their influence on the militarization of the region

Ershova U.V.

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This article describes the major years of militarization of the Arctic region at present and NATO's role in this process. In conclusion, we can say about a low probability of military confrontation in the Arctic.


The expedition follows in the tracks of Pomors

The expedition follows in the tracks of Pomors

Lukin Y.F.

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The monography is reviewing about the results of complex expedition ‘Follows in the tracks of Pomors’, which in 2011 conductes a research of the islands of the Petuhovsky Arhipelago on Novaya Zemlya in the Karsky Gate bay.

