Archaeological studies of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic age in Eastern and Central Kazakhstan (50s - 60s of the 20th century)

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The paper elaborates upon the early study of the Neolithic and Chalcolithic age in Eastern Kazakh- stan. The author reviews the research works devoted to this historical period in order characterize the extent to which the territory has been studied. In 1950 East-Kazakhstan expedition by the Institute of History of Material Culture, Leningrad department discovered two settlements near the villages of Malo-Krasnoyarka and Ust-Narym. Here, stationary field studies were held in the settlements of Kazakhstan for the first time. The researchers of the Neolithic age soon got interested in the archeological digs in Ust-Narym. For example, A. P. Okladnikov suggested considering Ust-Narym settlement as a link between the Neolithic age of Siberia and Caspian Sea region. It was offered to date the materials similar to the first layer in the cave of Dzhebel, considering the Neolithic stages of the Trans-Baikal, i.e. around 2500 BC. G. F. Korobkova considered that the industry of settlements was based on flake culture...


Neolithic age, chalcolithic age, ust-narym, karaganda-15, malo-krasnoyarka, zelenaya balka-4, kelteminar culture, cave of dzhebel

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IDR: 14116901

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