Architecture of the information system for determining the competence portrait of trained on the basis of status functions

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We present the architecture of an information system for determining and analyzing the competency portrait of trainees. Assessments are formed as status functions that are complex-valued. Moreover, each estimate contains an ordered pair, including estimates of the current state and its expected trend. The significance of the contribution of each of the estimates is calculated based on the correlations of all the estimates in the system. We propose an algorithm for interpreting and transforming information using the mathematical apparatus of status functions to support decision-making using an information system. At the input of the information system, a list of competencies, a description of the curriculum, content of disciplines, and assessments of individual competencies are set. At the output, estimates of the competency portrait of the trainees are formed on the basis of the calculated integral moments. Also, we propose and describe an algorithm to estimate the values of the indicators of competence of students. We develop the corresponding modules of the software information system in the JavaScript language. As an example, to verify the program, we use the formation of a competency portrait of a university graduate in the field of 44.03.01 "Pedagogical education''.


Status functions, math modelling, competency portrait, training, complexes of problem-oriented programs

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147232965   |   DOI: 10.14529/mmp190409

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