Arid zone landscapes of northern Fergana hills and use problems of their

Автор: Abdurahmanov S

Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium

Рубрика: Основной раздел

Статья в выпуске: 5-1 (84), 2021 года.

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The northern Fergana adiris were in the context of antrapogen influence from time immemorial, this process was especially taken into account of the extensive development of Agriculture from the 90 years of the 20th century. In the following years, there has been an increase in the scale and risk of arid regions and a change in landscapes, followed by climate change and a decrease in the stability of the entrap.

Climate change, arid, natural landscapes, relief, endemic, steppe, vegetation, irrigation farming, land development

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IDR: 140259230

Список литературы Arid zone landscapes of northern Fergana hills and use problems of their

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  • Б.А. Камалов, С.Т. Абдурахманов Опыт выращивания овощных культур в аридных условиях без орошения // Международная научная конфе-ренция, Инновация-2014. Тошкент. 2014. с.105-106.
  • Зокиров Ш.С., Боймирзаев К.М. Ландшафтшунослик асослари. Ўқув-услубий қўлланма. - Наманган: НамДУ, 2009. -Б. 100.
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