Arshaly settlement and Dongal culture in Northeastern Kazakhstan: results of interdisciplinary research

Автор: Utubayev Zh., Duisenbay D., Shagirbayev M., Yerzhanova A., Dubyagina Ye.

Журнал: Материалы по археологии и истории античного и средневекового Причерноморья @maiask

Статья в выпуске: 18, 2024 года.

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The article presents the results of a comprehensive study of materials from the Arshaly settlement (Maysky district, Pavlodar region, Republic of Kazakhstan): an analysis of the stratigraphy of the archaeological deposits, a typological and technological study of the ceramic complex, an analysis of the traces of use of stone tools and an archaeozoological study of faunal remains. The application of radiocarbon dating methods in conjunction with the comparative analysis of materials from synchronous sites in the region made it possible to refine the chronological position and cultural classification of the Arshaly settlement in the context of the Dongal cultural tradition. The results of the archaeozoological investigations provided valuable insights into the particularities of the livestock breeding of the ancient population. The significance of the Arshaly settlement lies in its potential for an in-depth study of the processes of cultural genesis and socio-economic changes characteristic of the transitional period between the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age in northeastern Kazakhstan.


Arshaly settlement, dongal period, stone tools, trace analysis, animal bones, ceramics

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IDR: 14131543   |   DOI: 10.53737/2713-2021.2024.73.13.003

Список литературы Arshaly settlement and Dongal culture in Northeastern Kazakhstan: results of interdisciplinary research

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