Controlling two-phase asynchronous drive of radar antenna of sector review in pulsating motion mode

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The object of the research is the formation principle of the pulsating movement mode for control of the electric drive of the antenna of the radar station of the sector review based on the phase modulation of power voltages of the two-phase asynchronous engine with interruption of one of them in time points when the electromagnetic moment crosses zero. The purpose of the given research is to receive the estimated ratios that make it possible to establish connection between the output parameters of the electric drive and parameters of the executive engine, power supplies and loadings in case of the potential phase shift keying. The authors of the article developed the method of calculation of the electric drive with the pulsating law of movement based on the solution of system of equations in the operating form that are to describe the generalized electrical machine by using Cramer’s method concerning currents of phases of the asynchronous engine. Using the received currents of phases of the generalized electrical machine, the electromagnetic moment is calculated. The next step is that the starting and damping components are singled out from the electromagnetic moment. Then the motion equation permitting to connect the received currents with the output parameters of the electric drive is solved. To solve the motion equation concerning the relocation of a mobile element the method of harmonic balance is used. As a result of researches engineering estimated ratios which permit to establish the correlation between the electromagnetic, starting, damping electric drive moments, speed, relocation and parameters of the executive engine, power supplies and loadings in case of potential phase shift keying are received. In the article the comparative analysis of results of the analytical solution and mathematical simulation of the electric drive is provided in a software environment of MATLAB. On the basis of the performed analysis the authors of the article come to the conclusion that the discrepancy between the currents of the phases of the asynchronous engine received as a result of the calculation and the results of mathematical simulation of the electric drive doesn't exceed 2 %. In turn, the discrepancy between the results of the calculation and the mathematical simulation for the electromagnetic moment and the relocation of a mobile element of the electric drive doesn't exceed 3% and 6% respectively. The authors of the research also stress that the high accuracy of convergence of the results of the calculation with the results of the simulation allows us to speak about competency of the application of the received calculation procedure for determining the output parameters of asynchronous electric drives with the pulsating law of movement.


Radar, phase modulation, pulsed mode, two-phase asynchronous electric motor, electric antenna

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148177417

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