Assessment of Readiness of the Regional Economic System for the Implementation of the Concept of Integrated Processing of Mineral Resources (On the Example of the Murmansk Oblast)
Автор: Bazhutova E.A., Skufina T.P.
Журнал: Arctic and North @arctic-and-north
Рубрика: Social and economic development
Статья в выпуске: 53, 2023 года.
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For the Arctic regions, which have significant reserves of minerals, but the most environmentally fragile, the transition to the implementation of the concept of integrated processing of mineral resources becomes critically necessary due to the development of economic activity in this territory and the prospective plans for the development of new deposits, defined by the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation up to 2035. The possibility of such a transition is ensured by the readiness of economic entities in the region to such changes. The purpose of this study is to assess the readiness of the regional economic system to the transition to the implementation of the concept of integrated processing of mineral resources on the example of the Murmansk Oblast and to determine the directions of implementation of such changes. As a result, it was revealed that the regional economic system of the Murmansk Oblast has a fairly high level of resistance and an average value of readiness for changes associated with the transition to the implementation of the concept of integrated processing of mineral resources, which characterizes the level of its readiness as the level of "unstable success". The key factors of resistance were identified and measures for their levelling were proposed, which allow concretizing the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Mineral Resource Base of the Russian Federation at the regional level and contributing to its further more effective execution.
Arctic, environmental management, sustainable development, mineral resource base
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329489 | DOI: 10.37482/issn2221-2698.2023.53.36
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