Studies on atheism and religion in modern politics using the example of Russia

Автор: Belkov A.D.

Журнал: Власть @vlast

Рубрика: Студенты пишут

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2024 года.

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The article analyzes the role of the religious factor and interfaith dialogue to ensure the political stability of society and the formation of the identity of citizens. The author draws attention to the fact that neglect or underestimation of this factor, as well as the lack of dialogue platforms could lead to social conflicts. To overcome this, the broadest cooperation of all parts of society and the state aimed at achieving consensus is necessary.

Russia, religion, confessions, atheism, secularization, interfaith dialogue

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170204460   |   DOI: 10.24412/2071-5358-2024-2-315-320

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