Atlantic ocean zones that are quasi-stationary in terms of surface temperature dynamics based on satellite monitoring results

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Using data from the MODIS-Aqua satellite scanner, seasonal changes in ocean surface temperature (OST) in the Atlantic Ocean for the period 2003-2019 were studied. Based on these data, quasi-stationary zones were calculated based on the average monthly ocean surface temperature using the moving window variance method. Zones were identified that are quasi-stationary in terms of the seasonal dynamics of OST and that correspond to the present position of current boundaries. Significant differences in ocean surface temperatures were revealed. Areas in the ocean were identified that differ in absolute OST values, but have similar seasonal dynamics, as well as areas with different seasonal OST dynamics. An interesting fact has been revealed when currents that geographically continue each other do not always coincide in seasonal dynamics. For example, at the boundary of the North Atlantic Current and the Gulf Stream, there is a vast zone with no stable seasonal dynamics. The possibility of using this method for monitoring of mixing zones that arise at the boundaries of currents was shown.


Atlantic оcean, ocean surface temperature (ost), quasi-stationary zones, modis-aqua, seasonal dynamics

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IDR: 146282833

Список литературы Atlantic ocean zones that are quasi-stationary in terms of surface temperature dynamics based on satellite monitoring results

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